Teeth on a foooking provider.......
Da great saw a provider one time who had had da right side of her foooking teeth knocked out courtesy of a bat. She was one of da greats all time best sessions. So curious, how important is it for a provider to have a full set of 32 for you ta see her or is it ok if she has a little space ta gum your Mandingo. Tooodlez....
- pxmcc
- 12-20-2019, 11:39 AM
i prefer either she has all of her teeth, or none is great too..
Teeth are very important to me. If she is missing a lot of teeth or has meth mouth I am out the door.
Perfect or none at all nothing in between.
ShinyPoo, you might could go see if GGT will take out her teefers for you. Some have said that a good "gummin" is something not to pass up.