Little Johnny Struggles With Math

Little Johnny walks glumly into the principle's office.

The secretary sees him, and asks "What did you do this time Little Johnny?"

Little Johnny shrugs and says, "I just don't get math. I answered the teacher's question just right, but she got mad at me and told me to go to the principle's office"

Baffled, the secretary said, "She sent you to the principle's office for answering a question correctly?"

"Yeah" said Little Johnny.

"Well what was the question?" The secretary asked.

"The teacher asked me what comes after 69" he replied.

"Well that's easy. Seventy comes after 69. What answer did you give?" asked the secretary.

Little Johnny is something else.
One night Little Johnny's parents went to a party. They both came home real late and real drunk. Little Johnny was in bed sleeping. Little Johnny's parents were horny, his mom tells his dad, go in the bathroom there's a condom in the medicine cabinet, put it on and come back in here and fuck me. So little Johnny's dad goes into the bathroom finds the condom just as he gets the condom on, little Johnny walks in. his dad quickly turns to the wall, and little Johnny asks, dad what are you doing? His dad replies, "trying to catch a rat". Little Johnny replies, " what are you going to do when you catch it, fuck it.

To slap little Jhonny behind the ear .