ISO: Need a man with wood. Seriously. Firewood. (And a hard woody wouldn't hurt, either!)

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Generally, I do not do trades but last year a nice man (from ECCIE) and I did an excellent trade for firewood. He was happy and I was thrilled.

This year, I'm interested in finding some firewood that can be delivered. I have a huge need for it at my home AND at my office, which is a town home that has two fireplaces!

Although I would love to do a sensual trade for delivered firewood, I would also be willing to pay for it. Not a problem there! If anyone knows of a place that sells it and delivers, that would be great as well. The place by White Rock Lake that I've used in years past has become seriously overpriced.

So let me know! 'Tis the season and I just LOVE a fire!!! And to flagrantly self-promote, I'm also exploring fire sexual play. But give me a few months before I present that! (Anyone who is knowledgable about fireplay, please contact me. I want to have a back and forth with you! Sorry for the segue!)

Please feel free to send me a PM, or an e-mail, or other ideas for a grand supply of wood this year ... it's appreciated!!!

I'm glad you posted this, Elisabeth! I'm in the market for wood, too . No trades, though..I'll pay, but need it delivered, as well.

I almost posted this same ISO but never got around to it...glad you did!
Funny you mention this, I saw 2 trucks out on the free way near 30 with them selling firewood. I just love my gas fire place.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Gas IS nice and certainly cleaner. But there is a purity about having an actual fire. It's primal. Hard to explain.

Here's wishing to all of us wonderful "in front of the fire" memories this coming fall and winter. I want to hear great (and naughty!) stories!!!

Dannie ... asking here is so much more fun then perusing craigslist looking for wood, isn't it?

The owner at Rocky Top Ranch (600 Keller Smithfield Road, Keller, TX, 817-431-9403) has firewood that he would like to get rid of at a real cheap price (probably free if you volunteer some time at the horse therapy center). He has at least 5 cords. The only problem is that you have to arrange to have it hauled off yourself. So find someone with a truck or rent a truck. Some of the logs need splitting unless you plan to have a Aggie style bonfire.
Gas IS nice and certainly cleaner. But there is a purity about having an actual fire. It's primal. Hard to explain.

Here's wishing to all of us wonderful "in front of the fire" memories this coming fall and winter. I want to hear great (and naughty!) stories!!!

Dannie ... asking here is so much more fun then perusing craigslist looking for wood, isn't it?

Elisabeth Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
Yes real fires are nice as well, but actuall fire scares me. I guess having a little one around.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Shameless bump. I had a dear client tell me that he was bringing some over and it didn't happen.

So I'm still looking, in the market, need wood (boy, do I need some hard wood!), want wood and a lot of it.

I have two places and two fireplaces so anything would be appreciated!


P.S. Tara, I can understand the concern with young children. It's tough to keep them away from things that they shouldn't touch. Glad that you have a gas fireplace. They're MUCH cleaner, too!