King Spa Dallas

I found this place online and am very interested in the concept of the different theraputic sauna rooms.

However, I am a bit skeptical. I don't want to walk into an undercover brothel as I am just looking for another way to relax.

Does anyone have any helpful information on their services and such?
Juan Pablo de Marco's Avatar
the place is a legit family-oriented spa. very very nice place. saunas, massages available. hot tubs. movies. korean food. 18 bucks and you can stay all day. when the place first opened up, they had whole families show up and stay for the whole weekend, so now they actually make you leave at the end of the day.

Jasinda's Avatar
I can also vouch that it is legit and family-oriented, although there were no children there when I visited. I loved it and plan to return.

Great thank you very much for the info. Although I do have another question. What would one do all day there. I read the site and see how they have a restaurant and so forth. I suppose that I should just call or stop by to see for myself.

Thank you both. I really appreciate it!
They give everyone a loose t-shirt and long boxy shorts. This place is so wholesome that they make you leave the shorts on during a massage~ even a woman-to-woman massage. That's a super strong signal that no extras are available LOL!
rakuguy's Avatar
Although I do have another question. What would one do all day there? Originally Posted by blackspanishteacher
I expect it's mostly watching movies and singing karaoke which is free for parties of 4 that have made a reservation at the front desk. Asians love them some karaoke.
Several folks asked me for a review on King Spa so here ya go!

I just walked in the door from the King Spa and wow! It's definitely legitimate massage and I couldn't be happier that it's on my way home. You go in, pay your $18, take off your shoes and pick up a "uniform". Go into your gender specific locker room and lock your shoes in the small locker and your clothes in the big one. You're nude.

There are restrooms in the locker room and a woman who speaks English who can schedule your massage and body scrub, if you want one. I have to warn you though, they will scrub every inch of you (yes, I mean every inch) and this is not a Swedish massage. It's Asian acupressure given through hot, wet towels and those women have fingers of steel. If I had to equate it with something, I'd say myofascial work, not so much muscular and it can be intense.

In the women's area, you leave the locker room and pick up a towel. Go directly to the showers and use lots of soap. You can bring your own toiletries if you like or just use theirs. After you shower, you can use the spa pools. They're about 101, 104, 106 and around 108 degrees F. The website describes a 74 degree waterfall but in the women's spa, it's a pool and it's a chilly 58 degrees. I spent 6.5 hours there today and went from pool to pool, getting progressively hotter and then plunge in the cold pool (at least four times). After my scrub and massage, I thought I'd do some alternating hot to cold therapy and it was amazing!

I got something to eat (web site has pictures of the menu if you're not familiar with Korean food) and a Kiwi juice (6 blended kiwi, mmmm), hit all but the hottest sauna, watched some TV, read my book and after a couple of hours, went back to the ladies spa for more soaking and ladies sauna. I came home because I thought I should leave while I could still walk without wobbling.

Legit? Thankfully yes! I think I can fit this in at least once a week. Did this help?
Maxxis's Avatar
Nice info Dharma. Thank you!
steverino50's Avatar
I think Dharma should get credit for a review!!!
I did forget to mention that when you leave the gender specific areas, you put on your uniform! Everyone has a t-shirt and long shorts in the common areas. Saunas, food court, TV area, etc.

@Steverino-Do you really think it will apply to BCD credit? (ihopeihopeihope).
@All the men-Does anyone know what it's like on the men's side?

So, all this relaxation, several soaks, body scrub , a 90 minute acupressure session, (and she washed my hair), more soaks, 4 sessions in ladies steam sauna, all but the hottest public sauna, dinner, beverages, TV, reading in a Laz-Z-Boy, peace and quiet and left alone and two floaty naps. All together a 6.5hr visit for less than $150.

Do I recommend this spa? YES
Guest012211-3's Avatar
What about the Karaoke? I'm not going unless we can sing, dammit!
I didn't do it but I did hear it Nicole, you have to try this place before you leave.
I went there to relieve some stress and just relax and that is what I did. This place is a fantastic place for that. The people are nice and legit. Although I must admit some of the women there were really cute, it’s legit. When I was in the wet areas it felt nice go to the steam room and relax. I really plan to make coming here a weekly thing.
OldGrump's Avatar
Dharma, I'm feeling mellow just reading your description. WOW! I'm waiting for a guy's experience. And that place is near by.

I don't mind draping for a legit massage, but would be real queasy having a guy massage me. Not a sexual thing, or if it is, I gotta live with it. Just something about another guy touching me in any manner other than a hand shake or pat on the back. Ok, maybe a guy hug for very close friends & relatives.

Any guys out there care to give a "Dharma grade" perspective of the place?
  • thx
  • 06-26-2010, 09:25 PM
Womens section is just like mens. Probably best to schedule the massage when you are first checking in. Yes, you can have woman on man massage. I tried it once, it was basically a twin flat sheet (yea that size) as the 'drape'. Tried the foot/leg massage, and the guys hands were hard... yea, my legs hurt.
Its well lite up at night. Its open 24hrs on the weekends (friday night to sunday night), so, if you are interested, you can spend the night there. (one the chair, or matt/towel on the floor). During the weekend daytime, you usually see a number of small kids running around (they have a kids and movie room).