Activities on Reviews

All the years Ive been doing this and Ive never understood this.
Why do we list the following activities?

Conversation (convo)

Its baffling!

Any other activities you can think of?
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Having lunch.

But naked twister should be valid.
hornyoldtoad's Avatar
HW has near something for everyone...

there was this cat on here who used to write reviews of how he would spend his hour shopping with his date...
Im not a fan when I see lingerie show.

Thats 15-20 min wasted when my tongue could be buried in her asshole. Thats a No Shitter!
There's something and someone for everyone in the hobby. Some guys enjoy the companionship with ladies if the chemistry is there. Personally I've seen some super hot, sexy ladies who tour here and I'd never spend my dime there again, because I just didn't connect with them for whatever reason. No ones fault...
Im with a couple others above. I dont want to have nothing in common but im there for the sex period.
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
Can we just F*** and have fun ..
But I do like for you to say Hi. first lol
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
For sure
Im not a fan when I see lingerie show.

Thats 15-20 min wasted when my tongue could be buried in her asshole. Thats a No Shitter! Originally Posted by MrNyceGuy
Love your humor NiceGuy! Definitely a "no shitter"!
Having lunch... Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
But, that’s what I DO go for... Well, that and tapouts...
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar

Watching the second hand spin time is definitely out.

But, a specific type of lunch may qualify, so you can get a lick in on that. I was referring to Malwoody's definition of lunch.
DallasRain's Avatar
i mr can bury your tongue in my booty ANYTIME!!

the reviews that tickle me are the car dates ones!!
the reviews that tickle me are the car dates ones!! Originally Posted by DallasRain
Many of us have said at some point in our adult life “I wish I knew in high school what I know now.”

I refuse, though, to do now what I did in high school...
Yeah my point is we all know your gonna have a conversation unless your both mutes!
I mean and hugs...I would think a hugs comin unless you got some odor issues and if I just put my tongue in a fine ass booty. Someone is getting a hug! Especially if she put her tongue in my booty...thats for damn sure!
These are so expected.
But why do we need to know that you had a conversation with a girl?
Lets make it interesting, if ya say convo...we want exact details of the conversation.
Good Lort!
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
Conversation do you want the details really ?