Great Video I thought I'd share. We all know to say nothing

But this law professor gives us 8 reasons to say nothing. The video is long, almost 50 minutes, but the first 30 are a law professor explaining why, in great detail, that you never speak with the police except to ask if you are free to go or to ask for a lawyer.

The best part, the second part of the video is a police officer backing up every single thing being said here. Also explaining "interview" techniques and such. Long video, but very worthwhile.
i have watched it 30 times at least over the past 8 months and it is great !!..also when you research this entire LE stuff it is amazing how they work to screw you up..

Irishtony's Avatar
I saw this awhile back, good stuff. I always tell everyone regardless of guilt or situation never under any circumstance talk to the cops.
  • Stag
  • 03-06-2012, 04:42 PM
The link to this video gets posted here from time to time, but every time we forget it's here, someone ought to post it again. It's ALWAYS good advice to just STFU!!!!! Let them prove their case, if they can, without your help.
Cpalmson's Avatar
Cops know it is human nature for people to talk, want to talk, or explain their way out of a tight situation. They use this to their advantage. In my Criminal Justice 101 class, our professor explained Miranda, the 5th Amendments, and your rights. Unfortunately, over the years, the Supreme Court has made it easier for police to confront individuals and treat them like suspects. In these situations, you do have to communicate with the police or at least identify yourself. Other than that, one is under no legal obligation to cooperate with the police. If you feel the situation is one of harassment or intimidation, always ask if you are free to go. If not, ask if you are under arrest. Regardless of the police's answer to the question, you next words should be, I want a lawyer. As soon as you express a desire to have a lawyer present, nothing you say or do can be used against you.
annie@christophers's Avatar
Sometimes we really forget about OUR rights.. Annie
I'm planning on watching it tonight!
Thanks for the video!
B.Wayne's Avatar
It's not just the questions they ask, it's how they ask and the techniques they use that can really screw you up. My best friend is in le and he tried some stuff on me. He said one technique that works great for him to get people to talk is being sympethetic, he completely manipulated me into thinking he was sympathetic to get me to keep talking and extract more info from me. It wasnt anything serious he was just showing me how he can get people to admit to stuff without them really thinking about it. He is very good at it, that bastard. lol