Vieux Carre

Question of how legal is it for another agency (Vieux Carre) to use your pictures against your consent and advertise you as working for them when you clearly don't?

ShysterJon's Avatar
The issue of who 'owns' an image was discussed in this recent thread:

"Who owns a picture?"

I assume you're speaking of the ad Vieux Carre Companions posted on 4-22-12:

If VCC is using images of you without your consent to create the misimpression that you work for them when you don't, and they've failed to take down the images despite your repeated written requests, my advice would be to hire an attorney to send the agency a 'cease and desist' letter. Putting aside the issue of whether the agency engages in conduct in violation of the law in the normal course of business, I would think it's probably a violation of Louisiana state law to use images to deceive consumers.
ShysterJon's Avatar
The situation's being addressed. I'll report back when your image is gone.
ShysterJon's Avatar
Your pic has been deleted from the ad.
ShysterJon, your an awesome man! Just thought I'd throw that out there! Thanks for being of so much help to people.....
ShysterJon's Avatar
Thank you.
Jon you are always such a good guy.
many don't realize how lucky we are to have you and knowledge here to help us out.
Nice SJ....very good guy.
ShysterJon's Avatar
Y'all stop it now. You're gonna make me start balling or something.
ck1942's Avatar
Balling? You'll never stop 'til they close the casket.

Bawling? Well, sometimes there's a tear in my eye, too.

Take care, SJ!
ShysterJon's Avatar
Catching my double entendre made me misty-eyed, too. Will you be my ECCIE bff, ck? Haha.
I have a feeling you will start balling over this one.

Hadn't heard that term since the 70's!