Who got snowed in?

Wow can you belive the snow? Where i live it's like 3 inches already and coming down steady. They are saying that it is suppose to get worse by Friday. So who all is staying home and playing hookie from work?
I am!!! woohoo!!!!
can't help but fantasize about winning the raffle.
and you my dear,are on my short list.
selot's Avatar
  • selot
  • 02-11-2010, 07:47 AM
Well not playing hookie, my regular scheduled Day OFF.... Good day to snuggle up with someone....
xperiment's Avatar
Who wants me to be snowed in with them....any takers?.....Bueller....Bueller .....Bueller...........
Jjust happy to know the three grand I pissed away upgrading to 4wheel drive is put to good use one day a year.
am woody's Avatar
I have a very steep driveway and I'm afraid to go look and see if I'm snowed in.
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
Anyone have a snowmobile? I want to find a lonely snowbunny provider
I wouldn't say snowed in... but my ass doesn't plan on going anywhere...

Taken 11:45 a.m.

And still falling
ANONONE's Avatar

We had 23" on the weekend and got another 8" on Wednesday.

Sad thing is SO is away and I had money to spend. No providers can get out to do appointments.

Wow can you belive the snow? Where i live it's like 3 inches already and coming down steady. They are saying that it is suppose to get worse by Friday. So who all is staying home and playing hookie from work? Originally Posted by Tara Evans
I am at home but should be playing with you!
I looove this weather! I'm from Chicago soo what can I say!

I'm heading out after my next appt to play in the snow with my puppies

then probably take a warm bubble bath with hot coco and snuggle up and watch a movie

stay warm and safe everyone!!
tsrv4me's Avatar
Just got pictures from Family member in Philadelphia ..........SNOW ???????? they had about 29 inches over the weekend and about 24 more inches Tuesday and Wednesday...so our little couple of inches seem very insignificant to them ......needless to say his steep driveway is breaking his back shoveling ..........but better him than me ........
Snowed in? It's still above freezing so it's just melting when it hits. No, wait a sec, the bottom cuff of my pantleg is ... A little wet! Holy State of Emergency!

Sorry guys, I couldn't resist
Boltfan's Avatar
Yeah some of my employees had a panick attack worried about driving in to work. I guess learning to drive in Utah for weather and CA for traffic makes me a bit immune.
RealBeer285's Avatar
I have no problems with driving in this stuff but I was out and about when all of a sudden my wiper blades got tangled while going down a busy street and I couldn't see a damn thing! I managed to find a clear spot to pull over and untangled them but then only one worked, lucky it was the driver side.

Got home and it turns out the nut that holds the wiper arm on the motor shaft was loose. All is better now.