
Holy Cow.......this is a GREAT football week for me.

Tonight, my beloved Packers take on the Seahawks. But, its a little bittersweet because of the Seahawks QB's, Flynn and Wilson.....formerly of the Pack and Badgers. My Pack will prevail.

Then on Saturday Badgers take on the Huskers. I shall be in Lincoln all day and night for this one. My first time at memorial, I'm excited!!!

Anyone wanna make a wager on this one? My track record is pretty good.
Osolomio's Avatar
Huskers win by 3 touchdowns, at least.

Osolomio's Avatar

Have fun at the game. And don't forget to get a couple of Runzas. If you get there early enough, make your way to the tunnel walk. Have a blast.

No runza's for me, I'll be tailgating and the food that's on the menu is going to be amazing.
Need parking let me know. I could park you in the bottoms close to the over pass...
TRex1176's Avatar
Sorry E, I would make a wager but I am trying to count how many times Rogers has been sacked in this game. And yes, I had to take my shoes off to count!

I was referring to the Badger's game.

The game tonight was a joke. Rodgers didn't have the guys around him to defend him. That first half gave me high blood pressure.

I just had to walk out onto my deck and take a deep breath because of that last call of the game. Jennings had that ball in his chest.

Replacement refs SUCK!!
  • mb11
  • 09-24-2012, 10:18 PM
I don't know if I would wager on this one as much as I want the Huskers to win it's going to come down to what kind of game TMagic brings but REX IS BACK!

You want the Huskers, I want the Badgers........lets wager.
Huskers by 2 touchdowns. Wisconsin couldn't move the ball if they wanted to.
sexuser's Avatar
Nighthawks season tickets can now finally be renewed, Yeay! I wasn't sure that they would survive to see another year. Hopefully they can do better than the past two. I think the season starts this weekend, but the first home game for the Nighthawks isn't until the 12th. GO Hawks!
TRex1176's Avatar
E, you are absolutely right about Rodgers not having good pass blockers. And yes, replacement refs suck donkey dick! Even though I was impartial to both teams, the refs still sucked.

I've been either listening to or watching ESPN most of the day while running errands or cleaning the house and everyone is in the same mind set as me about that game.

Damn replacement refs.
I lost a lot of money on that game =(

Damn refs
burkalini's Avatar
I can't believe that on ESPN college report they just said they thought the Huskers would win the big 10 championship. I'm not going that far yet but I do hope they have a great year starting with a little payback on them Badgers