Florida police arrested Pastor Terry Jones under a trumped up charge of illegally "transporting kerosene".....
Polk County sheriff’s deputies arrested Pastor Terry Jones, 61, and his associate pastor, Marvin Sapp Jr., 44, each on a felony charge of unlawful conveyance of fuel as they traveled in a pickup truck towing a large barbecue-style grill filled with Qurans soaked in kerosene. Jones had said he was heading to a nearby park to burn 2,998 Qurans – one for every victim of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

Sheriff’s officials said Wednesday night that Jones was also charged with unlawful open-carry of a firearm, a misdemeanor, and that Sapp faces a charge of having no valid registration for the trailer. He says Fire Department air tests confirmed the kerosene could have exploded.

“And it showed that it was flammable at that time while he pulled it down the road. So he was potentially driving a bomb down the road had there been a crash,” said the Sheriff.
Why do I think the cops wouldn't have acted the same if bibles were being burned ?

BTW, I think Jones is a nutcase; but I think the cops are violating the Constitution for the purpose of protecting Islam from feeling insulted...over the rights of Americans to freely express themselves. And why is the police chief meeting with muslim leaders to discuss the disposition of the Korans, which is property of Terry Jones ?
Florida police arrested Pastor Terry Jones under a trumped up charge of illegally "transporting kerosene".....
Polk County sheriff’s deputies arrested Pastor Terry Jones, 61, and his associate pastor, Marvin Sapp Jr., 44, each on a felony charge of unlawful conveyance of fuel as they traveled in a pickup truck towing a large barbecue-style grill filled with Qurans soaked in kerosene. Jones had said he was heading to a nearby park to burn 2,998 Qurans – one for every victim of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

Sheriff’s officials said Wednesday night that Jones was also charged with unlawful open-carry of a firearm, a misdemeanor, and that Sapp faces a charge of having no valid registration for the trailer. He says Fire Department air tests confirmed the kerosene could have exploded.

“And it showed that it was flammable at that time while he pulled it down the road. So he was potentially driving a bomb down the road had there been a crash,” said the Sheriff.
Why do I think the cops wouldn't have acted the same if bibles were being burned ?

BTW, I think Jones is a nutcase; but I think the cops are violating the Constitution for the purpose of protecting Islam from feeling insulted...over the rights of Americans to freely express themselves. And why is the police chief meeting with muslim leaders to discuss the disposition of the Korans, which is property of Terry Jones ? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
We live in a world where a crucifix in a jar of urine is a "artful statement", and similar statements concerning the Muslims is blasphemy.

Personally, I think in America, one should be able to express himself in any manner he sees fit, as long as it does no harm to anyone else.

It's called "freedom of speech" and "freedom of expression".
I wonder if Obama had a hand in this. This has got to be the first time that law has been used to arrest some one. If the fuel had been in government certified cans what would the sheriff have charged them with. Jones is a double bladed shit stirrer to be sure and if he had burned the books the Muslims would have struck back in some vile way. If this goes to the courts what do you for see the outcome will be. Perhaps the yelling fire in a theater idea would be used.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
  • Laz
  • 09-12-2013, 07:49 PM
If burning the flag is protected under free speech then the courts should be consistent and hold that this is protected as free speech also. The interesting thing is if the courts will see past the actual offenses that he has been charged with and rule on what the government is trying to do. I suspect they will take the easy route and only look at the charges against him while ignoring the true objective of preventing free speech.

While this guy may be an idiot, the whole concept of freedom of speech requires us to put up with idiots speaking. We have the option of walking away and not listening but not the option of silencing him.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Somebody, somewhere will figure out a way to burn a bunch of Qur'ans - wait, they do it everyday in the Muslim world when the blow up the mosque of an opposing sect.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Somebody, somewhere will figure out a way to burn a bunch of Qur'ans - wait, they do it everyday in the Muslim world when the blow up the mosque of an opposing sect. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Maybe they need donations for their museums, fraud!
Maybe they need donations for their museums, fraud! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You foster in your heart a Lucian, or some other pig from Epicurus' sty.
You foster in your heart a Lucian, or some other pig from Epicurus' sty. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
My, my. Suddenly, Bubba's gittin' all edja-muh-cated and literate and shit...

Did IBHankerwrong teach you how to cheery pick stuff from Wikipedia?
BigLouie's Avatar
That nutcase was basically towing a live bomb.
Right wingers want the books burned because they don't give a shit about the troops who will suffer repercussions in the war zone.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Maybe they need donations for their museums, fraud! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Maybe you need to make a donation to our museums, faggot.
BTW, I couldn't figure out why some guys took the time to write a long string of insults toward you. I see you can be a persistent pest, full of gratuitous insults, maintaining a sanctimonious air, and generally presenting yourself as a type of schoolyard pussy, the kind that gets beaten up often unless he has a bigger brother around, or mommy to hide behind her skirt. I'm sure one of these days I will see you at some mutual function in Austin or Dallas, and have a word or two with you about your poor manners. In the meantime, go fuck yourself, pussy.
My, my. Suddenly, Bubba's gittin' all edja-muh-cated and literate and shit...

Did IBHankerwrong teach you how to cheery pick stuff from Wikipedia? Originally Posted by ExNYer
This is pure knavery with which the devil here deals. Tell me, you who are so pure, why are you here so filthy?