Target Of Future Drone Attack Urges American Intervention In Syria

This Onion article would be a lot funnier, if I did not suspect it will come true soon:

The text:
DAMASCUS—The target of a future U.S. drone strike aimed at taking out anti-American extremists strongly urged swift U.S. military intervention in Syria, sources confirmed Thursday. “President Obama and American forces must step in and help us overthrow Assad,” said the radical Islamist who will be the object of what will one day be an intense and lengthy manhunt by the CIA and whose death will reportedly be hailed as a major strategic victory by counterterrorism officials. “There needs to be a new regime in Syria immediately.” At press time, a non-target of a future drone strike, currently indistinguishable from the target of one, was saying the same thing.

Here is the real life corollary to the Onion satire:

The text:
CIA begins sizing up Islamic extremists in Syria for drone strikes

The strategy is part of the agency's secret contingency planning to protect the U.S. and its allies as the violence there grows. Some militants in Syria are seen as closely linked to Al Qaeda.

WASHINGTON — The CIA has stepped up secret contingency planning to protect the United States and its allies as the turmoil expands in Syria, including collecting intelligence on Islamic extremists for the first time for possible lethal drone strikes, according to current and former U.S. officials.
President Obama has not authorized drone missile strikes in Syria, however, and none are under consideration.


We are about to become the Air Force for these Islamic fundamentalists. It is time to get Machiavellian with these inbred assholes.

Let Assad wipe them out. Gas, bombs, bullets, whatever.

And secretly negotiate with Assad to supply to weapons to him in the future in return for cutting off support for Hezbollah in Lebanon, cutting off ties with Iran, and tacitly recognizing and supporting Israel to at least the same degree that Turkey does.