Open your email application on your pc (or if web based, go there. Compose your message and insert the picture.m Make sure the picture is small or it may not send or load correctly, get it down to at least a 640x480 max size.
Step 2
As a matter of fact, you can send free messages to a cell phone from your e-mails although the message receiver has to pay the regular fee for the text message. You can just e-mail the cell phone using the following as the address for different cell phone carriers:
* T-Mobile: phonenumber@tmomail.net
* Virgin Mobile: phonenumber@vmobl.com
* AT&T for SMS phonenumber@txt.att.net, for MMS phonenumber@mms.att.net
* Sprint: phonenumber@messaging.sprintpc s.com
* Verizon: for SMS: phonenumber@vtext.com,
for MMS: phonenumber@vzwpix.com
* Nextel: phonenumber@messaging.nextel.c om
If you don't know the phone carrier for the cell phone number, you can try teleflip, a free universal service. All you have to do is enter the phone number in the email address. For example 1234567890@teleflip.com.
Use the list below as a reference:
US Based Carriers:
Alltel = xxxxxxxxxx@message.alltel.com
Amp'd Mobile = xxxxxxxxxx@vtext.com
AT&T = xxxxxxxxxx@mms.att.net
Boost Mobile = xxxxxxxxxx@myboostmobile.com
Centennial Wireless = xxxxxxxxxx@myblue.com (added by kcirrab-this is accurate for i have centennial)
Cingular (AT&T) = xxxxxxxxxx@mms.mycingular.com
Einstein PCS = xxxxxxxxxx@einsteinmms.com
Nextel = xxxxxxxxxx@messaging.nextel.co m
Sprint = xxxxxxxxxx@messaging.sprintpcs .com or xxxxxxxxxx@pm.sprint.com
T-Mobile = xxxxxxxxxx@tmomail.net
US Cellular = xxxxxxxxxx@mms.uscc.net
Verizon Wireless = xxxxxxxxxx@vzwpix.com
Virgin Mobile = xxxxxxxxxx@vmobl.com
Foreign Carriers:
Aruba setar = xxxxxxxxxx@mas.aw
Bell Canada: xxxxxxxxxx@1x.bell.ca
Cellcom = xxxxxxxxxx@cellcom.quiktxt.com
Digicel Aruba = xxxxxxxxxx@digitextaw.com
Digicel Curacao= xxxxxxxxxx@digitextcu.com
Digicel Barbados= xxxxxxxxxx@digitextbb.com
Digicel Bonaire= xxxxxxxxxx@digitextbo.com
Digicel Cayman= xxxxxxxxxx@digitextky.com
Digicel Grenada= xxxxxxxxxx@digitextgd.com
Digicel St. Lucia= xxxxxxxxxx@digitextlc.com
Digicel St. Vincent= xxxxxxxxxx@digitextvc.com
Fido = xxxxxxxxxx@fido.ca
Rogers Wireless (Canada) = xxxxxxxxxx@pcs.rogers.com
Suncom = xxxxxxxxxx@tms.suncom.com
3 River Wireless = xxxxxxxxxx@sms.3rivers.net
Advantage Communications = xxxxxxxxxx@advantagepaging.com
Airtouch Pagers = xxxxxxxxxx@myairmail.com
Airtouch Pagers = xxxxxxxxxxr@alphapage.airtouch .com
Airtouch Pagers = xxxxxxxxxxr@airtouch.net
Airtouch Pagers = xxxxxxxxxxr@airtouchpaging.com
AlphNow pin@alphanow.net
Alltel = xxxxxxxxxx@alltelmessage.com
Alltel PCS = xx
Step 3
Continued below:
Ameritech Paging = xxxxxxxxxx@paging.acswireless. com
Ameritech Paging = xxxxxxxxxx@pageapi.com
Ameritech Clearpath = xxxxxxxxxx@clearpath.acswirele ss.com
Amp'd Mobile = xxxxxxxxxx@vtext.com Arch Pagers (PageNet) = xxxxxxxxxx@archwireless.net
Arch Pagers (PageNet) = xxxxxxxxxx@epage.arch.com
Arch Pagers (PageNet) = xxxxxxxxxx@archwireless.net
AT&T PCS = xxxxxxxxxx@mobile.att.net
AT&T Pocketnet PCS = xxxxxxxxxx@dpcs.mobile.att.net
Beepwear = xxxxxxxxxx@beepwear.net
Bell Atlantic = xxxxxxxxxx@message.bam.com
Bell South (Blackberry) = number@bellsouthtips.com
Bell South = xxxxxxxxxx@sms.bellsouth.com
Bell South = xxxxxxxxxx@wireless.bellsouth. com
Bell South = xxxxxxxxxx@blsdcs.net
Carolina Mobile Communications = xxxxxxxxxx@cmcpaging.com
Cellular One East Coast = xxxxxxxxxx@phone.cellone.net
Cellular One South West = xxxxxxxxxx@swmsg.com
Cellular One PCS = xxxxxxxxxx@paging.cellone-sf.com
Cellular One = xxxxxxxxxx@mobile.celloneusa.c om
Cellular One = xxxxxxxxxx@cellularone.txtmsg. com
Cellular One = xxxxxxxxxx@cellularone.textmsg .com
Cellular One = xxxxxxxxxx@cell1.textmsg.com
Cellular One = xxxxxxxxxx@message.cellone-sf.com
Cellular One = xxxxxxxxxx@sbcemail.com
Cellular South = xxxxxxxxxx@csouth1.com
Central Vermont Communications = xxxxxxxxxx@cvcpaging.com
Cingular Wirelss = xxxxxxxxxx@mycingular.textmsg. com
Cingular Wirelss = xxxxxxxxxx@mobile.mycingular.c om
Cingular Wirelss = xxxxxxxxxx@mobile.mycingular.n et
Clearnet = xxxxxxxxxx@msg.clearnet.com
Comcast = xxxxxxxxxx@comcastpcs.textmsg. com
Communication Specialists = xxxxxxxxxx@pageme.comspeco.net
Communication Specialist Companies pin@pager.comspeco.com
Cook Paging = xxxxxxxxxx@cookmail.com
Digi-Page / Page Kansas = xxxxxxxxxx@page.hit.net
GrayLink / Porta-Phone = xxxxxxxxxx@epage.porta-phone.com
GTE = xxxxxxxxxx@airmessage.net
GTE = xxxxxxxxxx@gte.pagegate.net
GTE = xxxxxxxxxx@messagealert.com
Houston Cellular = xxxxxxxxxx@text.houstoncellula r.net
Infopage Systems pinnumber@page.infopagesystems .com
The Indiana Paging Co last4digits@pager.tdspager.com
JSM Tele-Page pinnumber@jsmtel.com
Lauttamus Communication = xxxxxxxxxx@e-page.net
MCI Phone = xxxxxxxxxx@mci.com
MCI = xxxxxxxxxx@pagemci.com
Metrocall = xxxxxxxxxx@page.metrocall.com
Metrocall 2-way = xxxxxxxxxx@my2way.com
Mobilecomm = xxxxxxxxxx@mobilecomm.net
Morris Wireless = xxxxxxxxxx@beepone.net
Motient = xxxxxxxxxx@isp.com
Nextel = xxxxxxxxxx@messaging.nextel.co m
Nextel = xxxxxxxx
Step 4
Remember the person your are sending pictures to will most likely be charged for receiving pictures and/or messages, unless they have an unlimited service plan.