I am needing advice ya'll! 2 bad clients got me good!

SweetestOne's Avatar
2 in the last Month, got dressed. And grabbed the donation and left!
Oh wow, that's crazy! I'm so sorry to hear that this is happening to you. I'm sure you're being careful of who you entertain. If they are eccie members or if you use VerifyHim, please report them.
Absolutely report them if they're members here.

The one thing I'd recommend is to put the donation away as soon as it's possible.
Cravinhead69's Avatar
Sorry that happened to you. Low down scumbags.
Always have donation put out by client. It may seem uncanny to pick it up right away, also may feel unsexy at the beginning of a session, but put it away in a safe place. It is a fine line you are walking with good clients.

I had one lady ask for her "travel expenses" as I walked in, she counted it in front of me and put it away. I never saw her again, did not like the feeling at the beginning and not a good way to start out. But if I were a scumbag I could not have run out with the cash.

Most prostitutes watch me lay it down. And a good magician makes it disappear without me even noticing. If I use the bathroom, she puts it away, or when undressing. Trick is to safely lock away without seeming like you are mostly interested in the fee.

As you are aware the entire session is just one big act. Your pleased to see me - acting, we know you are pleased to see the cash and not us. Your orgasms, we know you fake them. But seems the key to success in this industry is to allow your clients to live in denial, that is that you are into sex especially with loser fat and unsightly men.

Most of us, the patrons not there ton rip you off, will understand if you put the money away and once a John becomes a regular with trust built up then leaving money out until after I leave is less risky.

You seem like a nice lady, do not let this work blur your vision of all men. Some of us are gentlemen. But then again gentlemen would never pay a woman for sex so what do I know?
When I first started this HOBBY. The ladies in there home page or profile. Most of them wanted it left in a unmarked envelope in the bathroom! That way they could go to bathroom and count it out of your sight! Or what ever after you get to know them hell they give it to straight from wallet. In my opinion it's better to have fucked someone for free than to get busted!
I couldnt imagine taking the donation back. God that would be low. I have had countless ladies leave it right there in front of me after the deed was done and walk off where I could have easily have picked it up and left. I usually tell them that its probably a bad idea to do so. Seems you should start being mindful of this since it has happened to you so often recently. I like the idea of doing it on the sly so as not to make the gent feel like you think he would short you or take it back and leave. I know I dont care for it when a women picks it up and counts it right in front of me like I am coming in there to fuck her out of the agreed upon rate. It kind of ruins the moment for me if I actually think about how much you hate doing what your about to do for me. I dont mind after hell you can even say thank god thats over but before cant we pretend that you think im cute and you are looking forward to it.
I am so sorry sugar.
Call me, I lost your contact among all the crap that came in and bottomed it out
DocHolyday's Avatar
Sorry to hear you we’re ripped off SO. You deserve better than Lowlife thieving bastards!! However, on the other side, we have to deal with the cash & dash chicks, chicks working with pimps robbing people and extortionists.
That's just wrong right there. You play, you need to pay
SweetestOne's Avatar
Both of the guys that grabbed it never gave me a chance to secretly grab it afterwards...i usually pick it up after. But before we are both dressed. These two had it on their minds to do i believe. They only took a short time,you understand? But paid for a much longer time. They both were a little arrogant at first questioning my abilities. But a few mins in, and Pop, and he jumps up throws on his clothes and grabs the cash before my big butt can get off the bed good. The last guy left so fast he came back and knocked on the door. He said i left my phone. I looked and saw he infact left his phone AND CAR KEYS! He got an earful from me, im sure he didnt care though. You know i actually felt bad for cussing him and calling him trash..i don't talk to anyone that way. I never have. Even in the past i always just stayed quiet if someone did something mean to me. But this guy was a yuppy, college senior, wearing a button up with a sweater and khakis., he said he never done this before (ya right dude, you and every single other guy who calls me) i will be more careful, i just needed to vent and get advice.
Dude I hate hearing stuff like this. Glad that you’re okay and not hurt or anything like that. I’m sorry this happened to you.
I agree with Lizard and Naughty, Best thing you can do is report them so they don’t do that again to another one of us. Because no one deserves this.
Both of the guys that grabbed it never gave me a chance to secretly grab it afterwards...i usually pick it up after. But before we are both dressed. These two had it on their minds to do i believe. They only took a short time,you understand? But paid for a much longer time. They both were a little arrogant at first questioning my abilities. But a few mins in, and Pop, and he jumps up throws on his clothes and grabs the cash before my big butt can get off the bed good. The last guy left so fast he came back and knocked on the door. He said i left my phone. I looked and saw he infact left his phone AND CAR KEYS! He got an earful from me, im sure he didnt care though. You know i actually felt bad for cussing him and calling him trash..i don't talk to anyone that way. I never have. Even in the past i always just stayed quiet if someone did something mean to me. But this guy was a yuppy, college senior, wearing a button up with a sweater and khakis., he said he never done this before (ya right dude, you and every single other guy who calls me) i will be more careful, i just needed to vent and get advice. Originally Posted by SweetestOne
Dude would have only gotten his keys and phone after he paid for session....real scum bags. Sorry that happened to you
DocHolyday's Avatar
Dude would have only gotten his keys and phone after he paid for session....real scum bags. Sorry that happened to you Originally Posted by Pounder
Pounder is spot on. I would also have charged a “storage fee” for his stuff. You deserve to be compensated for watching his stuff. Were these members here? Screen these folks you have never seen before. Make sure door is locked and deadbolted with every device available. If the guy tries to bolt, you will have time to stop him while delayed trying to unlock the door locks.

You may also want to invest in some pepper spray or a tazer. Take these rouge dudes down!!

+1 Pounder
Wow, so sorry that happened to you. I would expect to be kicked in the nuts...hard...if I ever tried pulling a stunt like that.