This could get messy

The Bill exempts out sites like Backpage from the Communications Decency Act. This Act has protected websites (Backpage, Craigslist, Eccie, etc.) from liability for material posted by third parties, to evade both criminal prosecution and civil lawsuits.

Could be an even bigger hit to Backpage advertising, but also could make eccie a target.
LaNausee's Avatar
I wouldn't think that sites that do verification would have to much to worry about, because I would think that they would have evidence showing the ad was believed to be from someone of a legal age. I assume that the bill didn't clearly define what a human trafficking victim is, but this article makes it seem like it is primarily underage victims. I really don't understand how backpage could be held accountable under this law because it says “knowingly assisting, supporting or facilitating a violation,” I wouldn't have thought that backpage knew anything about the people that post ads on their site.

The problem isn't so much the defense they are engaged in trafficking, it's that if the bill passes, they can face criminal charges and civil lawsuits on the Federal and State level that they have not had to defend before.

Right now Backpage has the target, but when that goes away, who gets looked at next. Legal fees are expensive.
Verification? How in depth do you think verification is here? I do not think ID gets checked for age, what prostitute is going to hand over her real life info to a website? If the website is seized so is her real life info. No, verification is irrelevant here. Government just wants more ability to fuck with people's lives.

Someone tell me the real potential of human trafficking here, zero to none! The government is not interested in stopping human trafficking just controlling our lives more and more, through censorship in this case. Why do they get to decide what is decent and not decent? Prostitution is legal in a lot of Europe, so not indecent to them. When your government makes your decisions for you, you have no freedom. It is called dictatorship. They tell us what to watch, what to read on internet and we might get left alone. When the only channel is a government channel what else are you going to watch or read? Propaganda, look at North Korea. People are totaling uninformed but I bet prostitution still finds a way, lol.
Gentlementoo, they make us ladies take a selfie holding our ID and send it in, HOWEVER, anyone can fake one I suppose, plus I believe this is a new practice
P411 has always done it
This website has your real ID? That is nuts!! When this website gets busted LE has your real info as an advertiser?? Why would you ever give over your real ID?? Got to be fake. I would never hand over my ID but if it is, I think it is nuts! Does this website pay you?
Eccie doesn't keep their IDs on file, moderators never have access to them and only certain people do the verification. It's safer than you would think.
Hey, if that is how you guys work, great! I am not advertising here so no thing for me. I would think real hard before I turned my real ID over to people I never met and could be shut down as other websites were. But good news they are sternly age verified.
GMT, paranoid much? I have been requested to send in my ID for age verification not only on this site but others and have been cool with it. By the way, I work a RL job and still okay with it. Not everyone is out to get you or me, please just relax.
Back to the point, sites like eccie and P411 are trying to stay ahead of the issue. However, all it takes is 1 girl to claim she was "trafficked" on eccie and here comes the criminal investigation or civil suit if this bill passes.

It's a case of not being guilty or innocent, it's the cost of having to defend it.
If ladies on here have to show their real Id's to get verified provider status, what does a guy have to show to prove he isn't a minor?? Under 18??

Can a guy just make up anything and be done with it??
Just asking because inquiring minds want to know...

MM, you already know the answer to your question. Think about it like this; a woman can make a mandle to spy on the guy's private areas but a man can't make a fake female handle to get access to the ladies' private areas because of the verification process.

No system is perfect but imo, the ladies have better privacy protection this way.
Guitar's Avatar
RL, do u mean to tell me there's a Ladies Section on this Board?
I'm not talking about a man making a female handle, I'm talking about a guy who wants to join the board how do you know if he is 18 or older?? That's what I'm saying. How do you verify that is not some kid playing on a computer. That's my question.

There isn't an actual way to verify until they sign up then careful observation.