Guitar's Avatar
I wonder if any of the ladies would be kind enough to tell us guys the truth about how long they are willing to go. I see ad's for 1 hour, 2 hour, and overnight rates. While a lady is probably not going to make a guy start complaining about tenderness, I've had ladies that have complained with this issue before, after a while. (Not since I was younger, tho). Are there any ladies out there that can outlast us guys??? I can just imagine what Basscat's ladies are going to say about him. Him and RL are twat stretchers.
Cravinhead69's Avatar
That would be interesting to know. I can say, that I have spent 12 hours with one lady and weonly fucked for about an 90 mins to 2 hours top. Then took a break, went to eat and later played again for about an hour. The rest of the time we talked, she smoked cigs and other stuff and stayed on her cell phone.
I am willingly to bet no one will fuck for more than 2 hours at time without a break. If any overnights, you can rest assured that there will be some sleep involved.
As for me, I can play a long time, but the actual act of vaginal sex I can hold out for 10 to 15 minutes tops and that's on round 2. So going for hours on end, I dream.

But it's been said "don't try to tear a pussy up, you can't tear something up that's self lubricating."