NWA searches

Lliks's Avatar
  • Lliks
  • 08-29-2017, 05:43 PM
Would love to see the provider listing for NWA separated from other areas. Think it would really help simplify searches for people in this area.
Rollensmoke's Avatar
This has been asked numerous times before. You'll be lucky if you even get an answer
After you've been around for a little while you start to kind of know where they are and it isn't such a need, but it would be more convenient. Suspect there aren't enough providers in the state to justify adding another metro location though.

One thing I think would be helpful would be to split the ad forums into NWA ads and LR ads, much like Oklahoma does with OKC and Tulsa, still keeping a common Oklahoma state forum for coed, sandbox, etc. Alas, probably not enough ad posting volume to justify that either.
bluffcityguy's Avatar
One thing I think would be helpful would be to split the ad forums into NWA ads and LR ads, much like Oklahoma does with OKC and Tulsa, still keeping a common Oklahoma state forum for coed, sandbox, etc. Alas, probably not enough ad posting volume to justify that either. Originally Posted by SpankyJ
It would be easier on the mods/admins to manage two geographically specific ad forums as opposed to two separate forums for NWA and LR. (Which then raises the question of where the few ladies in NEA or southern AR advertise, since there are what? Only three of them total? (NEA: Jami-Lynn and Cassie Love; southern AR: tsar (if she hasn't retired or gone UTR yet; ISTR her mentioning she might)).)

The people who really want this are laboring under the delusion, however, that this place is run for your convenience. Really, it's run for the convenience of the mods/admins (witness: the lack of a short notice thread despite the constant whining for one); when your convenience is the same as the mods'/admins' convenience is when you'll get your wishes... otherwise, buck up snowflake!


Yeah it's not really too big an issue with the low volume of ads we have. The biggest thing splitting ad forums would do for me is keep me from missing ladies I want to see when they come to town. Unless the LR ladies prominently say 'NWA' in the title of the ad post, I'm likely to gloss over it and assume it's for LR. On several occasions a lady I've wanted to see has come to town and oops, I just spent my last hobby dollar right before she arrived because I didn't know she was coming.
  • cboat
  • 09-05-2017, 06:46 PM
That's a real problem. Especially for those of us with limited $$$$.