Referral stat

Any chance you could work with providers to manage a referral statistic to replace the current system of provider requiring name & number of other provider? This way any potential provider could just log in and check the referal # and/or comments associated with each potential hobbyist.
AlienLifeForm's Avatar
Now that sounds like a great idea.
I don't see enough girls on here to maintain a network of referrals who reply quickly enough when I want to see someone new. While I think I'd love to see a better referral system, I worry about the evolution of it:

Independent Consumer Reviews

Review: UtterNonsense creeped me out; I may quit providing

The Rest of the Story: I booked an upscale hotel in North Austin. While my travel partner and I were playing naked Twister, UtterNonsense called, requesting an appointment immediately. Doesn't he know we ladies like to wait three days before committing to an appointment?

Because I really needed the extra money, I agreed to see him 15 minutes later. Creep must be waiting outside when he called. I quickly showered, rushing as fast as I could, and still found a text on my phone when I got out saying he was already here and asking for my room number. I requested 10 more minutes.

It seemed like only 2 minutes before he knocked on my door. I opened it to see a fat, sweaty, old man. WTF. I reminded myself I've done worse, so I'll get through this one, too. I hope he doesn't expect GFE. Did I mention the sweat? ... and the fat?

Boy was I wrong. After he said hello and we chatted for a few minutes he started to get friendly and tried to kiss me! GROSS!!! ... totally not my thing kissing old guys, but I don't want him leaving a bad review so I went along with it. My cell kept beeping. I guess he didn't hear it. I really needed to read and respond to those. After our session I saw they were future appointments, but he didn't let me reply, so I missed out. They probably booked with someone else already.

UtterNonsense started to undress ...

Recommendation: No, never again

... yeah, I can't go on. :shudder:

As an exception to my tagline, these preceding statements may be true.
There was actually a thread on reviewing 'mongers in the national suggestions forum a while back. 'Reviews' like the above by UtterNonsense are probably something a lot of 'mongers are afraid of, which is why the idea of reviewing 'mongers generally went over like a lead balloon in that thread.

A referral database wouldn't have to be too much more complicated than Preferred 411's OK system, though as I'd stated in that 'monger review thread, a basic checklist of hygiene/behavior issues or hopefully lack thereof wouldn't be a bad idea and might help ease screening and make things easier for ladies and gentlemen wanting to set up dates.