P411 is nothing like AM. And, as is typical for someone who outs people, David/Bigdog could care less and thinks your lives deserve to be ruined if something should happen. Watch out ladies, don't let David know where you live, your number, email or anything else. He might get hacked and of course, you would only be getting what you deserve for putting information out there.
Originally Posted by OldButStillGoing
Who outed anyone? Please do tell, and you have proof of this right? like maybe a notification from a third party? NM, I forgot, we have to take your word as factual gold.
Did it ever occur to you that people talk a lot of shit on the internet and when one takes them seriously, mainly since he had been cyberstalking a person for years, then says something that made the person he supposedly outed, and he wanted to still partake in the site, making him go through the trouble of not being able to post for a bit, change his nick name, but unfortunately, hold much more of a grudge than before? I mean, what kind of idiot would out someone and put it on the internet that he did so? Unless, he wanted to appear that he did. Just throwing a thought there.
Anyway, I hope that rumor of the p411 hacking is just that, a rumor.