How do I get screened?

I contacted a provider and she told me that she needed to screen me first. My name and phone number is easy but she wanted provider references and my handle on message boards. What is a provider reference and I am assuming my handle for message boards is just my board name?
cheatercheater's Avatar
Grasshopper you have much to learn.
Your handle is your board name. Hence yours is carcannon.
References are just that. A reference from another lady you have seen.
Don't have a reference? Get a P411 account.(
Or search for newbie friendly providers, schedule a visit, have fun with said newbie friendly provider, and then you have a reference for the next on your list.
General rule for most of us: Never, ever, give out your real name to a provider for screening.
If we follow the general rule how do we complete screening? Are exempting p411 from the general rule?
If we follow the general rule how do we complete screening? Are exempting p411 from the general rule? Originally Posted by diddleman
Perhaps why I avoid P411. Not sure of their requirements.

In general, I might exempt P411. But a random gal I find on here or worse, BP/EROS, etc. ain't getting my personal information.

Sure, several ladies I have seen know my real world information, but not prior to our first tryst.
So how do they see you without the screening real world info?

Too late, I already broke rule number 1 but I don't believe it to be so bad since I was contacting a verified provider. She had a list of good reviews.
b2pop's Avatar
  • b2pop
  • 11-01-2011, 05:39 PM
Again never give out real information. Suggest you see a newbie friendly provider who can set you up with a P411 and will give you a reference.
Too late, I already broke rule number 1 Originally Posted by carcannon
Very very bad idea..Retire your handle and start over.
Hope like hell you didn't give out your phone number, too. And yeah, retire your name...PM the Mods on how to do it. Change your handle to something like
"Volks-howitzer" or "Semi-blaster", don't use that one...that tells the ladies you don't cum every time...hmmmm, you'll think of something. Join P411. If you see 10 ladies a year, it's like adding only 8 bucks to each visit. Great credibility with the Providers; THEY LOVE IT.
Hope like hell you didn't give out your phone number, too. And yeah, retire your name...PM the Mods on how to do it. Change your handle to something like
"Volks-howitzer" or "Semi-blaster", don't use that one...that tells the ladies you don't cum every time...hmmmm, you'll think of something. Join P411. If you see 10 ladies a year, it's like adding only 8 bucks to each visit. Great credibility with the Providers; THEY LOVE IT. Originally Posted by Prolongus

I gave both my name and phone number because she was a verified provider with a good number of reviews. I really didn't see the harm in it but now, you guys are making me second guess my decision. I might just not do this at all and try for an AMP since I hear that is a much easier route to go.

[Edit] Also, I really don't want to earn my references on newcomer friendly providers since I am not attracted to them at all.
There are some newbie friendly ladies who are very attractive, but that is a WALDT issue.

First off, the term "verified provider" means very little. Basically, it means some guy vouched that he did the tango with this gal, and lived to tell his tales. (Otherwords, he didn't get busted by LE.) It does not mean the lady is stable, does not have a pimp lurking in the background, is not providing sexual services to support her drug habit, thus making her more unstable and a target for LE to turn on her clients, etc. It just means some guy got his rocks off and was able to tell a mod here that he returned from his visit intact.

There are a lot of verified ladies here that have shown an instability that would cause them to fail my screening. They may have a following of guys who post rave reviews about them. There is one lady (who I have seen, btw) who gets rave reviews, was at one time a verfied provider, but is now banned for her behavior and threats against members.

I can think of another lady, a brunette, who gets rave reviews, is extremely hot, is a verified provider who post ads here occassionally, yet I would suspect you would have a hard time finding the history on her from a few years back where she went psycho and outed a guy. (The circumstances were a bit complicated, some might argue he deserved it, but the general rule is that nothing justifies outing someone. Like Vegas and fight club, what happens here stays here. There is no fight club, there is no hobby.)

Curiously, since I suspect you do not have Premium Access, giving you access to the Men's only areas as well as the ROS information in reviews, you might find those positive reviews for this lady contain some warnings at the same time.

The toothpaste is out of the tube, and you can't get it back in the tube. Changing handles, telephone numbers, etc. does not negate the fact that you have let a lady you have never met have that much personal information about you. I think you have to play the cards you dealt yourself, and hope for the best. Your verified provider might be a great lady. I would say that the vast majority of ladies harbor no real ill intent against the guys, they are as worried about their security as we are about ours.

I am a firm believer that a certain amount of paranoia is good. In business, in the hobby, it keeps us on our toes, alert to the dangers that may lurk around us.

Food for thought: Is a person really paranoid if they think that someone is out to get them, if in reality, there are people out there (LE, moral police, pimps, etc.) who really are trying to get them?

This thread almost belongs in the coed forum, where it would get better visibility and might help out other newbies. Unfortunately, in this forum, most people only look here for streetwalkers and to read Logan's latest taxicab exploits.
Get off your trust in "she is verified with good reviews" that means nothing...other than she plays for pay and might give good head and a fun fuck...get a hobby phone/google phone account.
There are some newbie friendly ladies who are very attractive, but that is a WALDT issue.

First off, the term "verified provider" means very little. Basically, it means some guy vouched that he did the tango with this gal, and lived to tell his tales. (Otherwords, he didn't get busted by LE.) It does not mean the lady is stable, does not have a pimp lurking in the background, is not providing sexual services to support her drug habit, thus making her more unstable and a target for LE to turn on her clients, etc. It just means some guy got his rocks off and was able to tell a mod here that he returned from his visit intact.

There are a lot of verified ladies here that have shown an instability that would cause them to fail my screening. They may have a following of guys who post rave reviews about them. There is one lady (who I have seen, btw) who gets rave reviews, was at one time a verfied provider, but is now banned for her behavior and threats against members.

I can think of another lady, a brunette, who gets rave reviews, is extremely hot, is a verified provider who post ads here occassionally, yet I would suspect you would have a hard time finding the history on her from a few years back where she went psycho and outed a guy. (The circumstances were a bit complicated, some might argue he deserved it, but the general rule is that nothing justifies outing someone. Like Vegas and fight club, what happens here stays here. There is no fight club, there is no hobby.)

Curiously, since I suspect you do not have Premium Access, giving you access to the Men's only areas as well as the ROS information in reviews, you might find those positive reviews for this lady contain some warnings at the same time.

The toothpaste is out of the tube, and you can't get it back in the tube. Changing handles, telephone numbers, etc. does not negate the fact that you have let a lady you have never met have that much personal information about you. I think you have to play the cards you dealt yourself, and hope for the best. Your verified provider might be a great lady. I would say that the vast majority of ladies harbor no real ill intent against the guys, they are as worried about their security as we are about ours.

I am a firm believer that a certain amount of paranoia is good. In business, in the hobby, it keeps us on our toes, alert to the dangers that may lurk around us.

Food for thought: Is a person really paranoid if they think that someone is out to get them, if in reality, there are people out there (LE, moral police, pimps, etc.) who really are trying to get them?

This thread almost belongs in the coed forum, where it would get better visibility and might help out other newbies. Unfortunately, in this forum, most people only look here for streetwalkers and to read Logan's latest taxicab exploits. Originally Posted by tigercat

When you said the lady outed the guy, what exactly do you mean by that? Do you mean that she stabbed him, flamed him on the forums using his information, or do you mean she turned him into the police?

Since I don't have access to the premium areas, would it be okay if i mentioned, by name, in this post, the provider that I am in contact with to get more information on her or should i just not say her name?