Review: janet lynn

icekangz817's Avatar
Date: 6 nov 11
Provider: janet lynn
Phone: 817-917-7911
Email Address:
URL / Website:
City: fort worth
State: Texas
Address: around that 7-11 off lancaster, ft worth
Appointment Type: Other
Activities: bbbjcimnqns
Session Length: till done
Fee: 40
Hair Color and Length: strawberry blonde
Age: 40+
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: 5'5 or so, about 125, body not so tight as it appears clothed.
Recommendation: Yes
up4u's Avatar
  • up4u
  • 11-10-2011, 10:13 AM
Yes Ice and it appears that you have taken advantage of a real sweet girl who is down on her luck instead of helping her, IMHO.

This is a review thread, not a debate on the posters ethics or standards. Take these kind of comments elseware. Uncalled for rudeness Staff
smiley's Avatar
Yes Ice and it appears that you have taken advantage of a real sweet girl who is down on her luck instead of helping her, IMHO.
I don't get your post. She's a mature woman that was paid for her time, at a rate she either set, or agreed upon. How is that taking advantage of someone? How should Ice have "helped" her?
bigtonydallas's Avatar
I agree that UP4U's comments are not appropriate in a review. How does he know she is down on her luck? A lot of these girls will tell you anything to get a few extra bucks!

I tried to call her yesterday and sent a text with no response.
MXP hobby's Avatar
I tried calling as well. Msg says the cell number is no longer in use. I would like to see her. Redhead - wow
bbte1's Avatar
  • bbte1
  • 11-26-2011, 05:00 PM
I agree, Ice was not out of line, she set the price. I tried to call her last month with no reply as well.