Hobby Phone?

What do most of you do to avoid having calls/texts to providers from showing up on your phone/phone bill?

If you have a hobby phone, what is the best deal? Pre-paid?
Go to Walmart phone (A)$29.95 (B)$9.95 and buy minutes(automatically doubled) i.e. purchase 200 minutes and you get 400 minutes
yeah thats the way to play... I had one girl who would call me on the first of the month, "I gotta pay rent, you wanna come see me?" during dinner and shit. The misses almost started to suspect something, so a hobby phone is a must have!
Texas_Seeker's Avatar
There is an alternative, and that's Google Voice.

Google Voice is a free service that can be set up on a throw away Gmail account. It provides you with a number that you can call into, then out from, completely independent from your cell phone. Plus it provides the ability to send SMS messages from that number, a feature that can be utilized from both your home PC and any smart phone.

Oh, and it's free.

I've been using it for a while now with no complaints or problems.
Caseykassum's Avatar
My motorola droid doesn't show texts when locked. Whereas my non hobby phone that is another model htc android does.

Google voice is not bad.
Play safe
  • hd
  • 12-01-2011, 07:57 AM
yes, Tracfone from Target or Walmart, I always erase all texts and phone numbers after a session. if the SO finds the phone, I say I found it in a parking lot. use a pay phone to initialize and give bogus info when promted.
Google Voice rocks
Bonferroni's Avatar
Google Voice rocks Originally Posted by Richardson570
Just signed up for this service, and I think this is going to work! Better than getting a separate phone. Thanks!!!
Google voice is pretty cool and a lot cheaper. How does it show up on your phone bill? Calls and txts to your google voice #?
  • hd
  • 12-02-2011, 02:23 PM
I thought someone said it doesn't show on your bill, BUT, if your SO and maybe her attorney wanted to check, I'll bet phone company records will show every number and text you've ever done.

maybe I'm just paranoid?
  • Deke
  • 12-02-2011, 05:47 PM
Do the text themselves show up even if you've deleted them or just the number that was texted?
flipsix's Avatar
Google Voice rocks Originally Posted by Richardson570
My only issue with Google Voice is that the "Do Not Disturb" mode is NOT reliable. The only way to keep this from being a problem is to make sure to turn off Push Notifications from your settings on your phone when applicable.
When will you be able to send pics from google voice.