No Review No Reference...

  • Alli
  • 05-11-2014, 09:30 PM
Let's say, you go on an appt. with a reviewer, he obviously has a good time and says that he will write a review, even emails and PM's you about it, never does it and then gives your name as a reference???

I truly feel that if you are a "reviewer", but can't seem to write a review, especially after continually promise to do so... I don't feel that you should expect me to give you a reference...

Am I wrong?
Well...I would not throw him under the bus. But I would indicate that he is not le but also doesn't keep his word. That way you let the requester make their own decision but at the same time you are keeping everyone safe.
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
Yes. Reviews are not guaranteed unless it's part of a special rate for that session or on a future rendezvous.
A reference though is part of the game. You vouch for him with said lady then based on whether she has a nice time remembers you and your vouch and so on and so on.
That's how it's done for those without p411 etc.
Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
I definitely "chalk it up to the game" hon. Remember his name, handle and number and pass it on to the other Providers. Personally I keep a list of all bullshitters
Airing this in public is a lot worse for your business than any review could of helped. I for one do not need any drama and would not see you after this post if i were on the fence. Write it off as part of business and move on.
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
Asking for reviews and/or expecting them outside of a "special" is not an endearing quality to me.
But, if he brought it up and failed to follow through well then he's simply a welch.
But any provider should just not be bothered with it and if it happens then it would be a pleasant little surprise, no?
But to withhold a reference simply for the lack of a review? Yeah I agree with peabody and would not see someone with this sort of attitude.
Well...I would not throw him under the bus. But I would indicate that he is not le but also doesn't keep his word. That way you let the requester make their own decision but at the same time you are keeping everyone safe. Originally Posted by jazzguy
Airing this in public is a lot worse for your business than any review could of helped. I for one do not need any drama and would not see you after this post if i were on the fence. Write it off as part of business and move on. Originally Posted by peabody
Asking for reviews and/or expecting them outside of a "special" is not an endearing quality to me.
But, if he brought it up and failed to follow through well then he's simply a welch.
But any provider should just not be bothered with it and if it happens then it would be a pleasant little surprise, no?
But to withhold a reference simply for the lack of a review? Yeah I agree with peabody and would not see someone with this sort of attitude. Originally Posted by Out_of_Bounds

In agreement with jazz, peabody, and OoB. Withholding the reference is excessive. But in the end that choice is yours as well. Bottom line, reviews are optional and so are references I suppose, unless it's a previously agreed upon review special then it's up to him whether to write one or not. He's a dick for not following through on a promise. But now you've identified yourself as potentially non-reference friendly...that ain't good for business.
Interstellar's Avatar
Donating and reference are deal of the hobby. In both parts it is the obligation. As OUT said it is not garanteed unless it is the part of the deal. Maybe a clients review system can be created. It may not have ROS or something else, but it may have some check boxes such as punctuality, donation agreement, review promise, hygiene, but only include handle or very limited personal information.
CivilBarrister's Avatar
I am more apt to repeat with a provider who gave me a reference and not see a provider who refuses to give one.

And Alli if you didn't like what he wrote in a review, are you also going to with hold your reference.

Thanks for the headsup.
LexusLover's Avatar
tbone77494's Avatar
Let it go. If you need reviews, see a couple dudes who regularly write them. If you get a rep of not being a good reference that might hurt you more.

I write them regularly and can't remember the last "review special" I did, because they tend to be offered by brand new ladies and I don't like going in early in the ladies career.
Oh wow providers actually call each other to check on references? I always guessed that if a guy was active on eccie that would be all the credibility needed.
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
Oh wow providers actually call each other to check on references? I always guessed that if a guy was active on eccie that would be all the credibility needed. Originally Posted by extraperson1988
Depends on who that guy is.

But I follow up with p411 because I likes to collect hookers.
gimme_that's Avatar
I am more apt to repeat with a provider who gave me a reference and not see a provider who refuses to give one.

And Alli if you didn't like what he wrote in a review, are you also going to with hold your reference.

Thanks for the headsup. Originally Posted by CivilBarrister
There's a way around that. Get the p411 ok first so she can't deny the meet......

Then write the honest review. Lol.
Let's say, you go on an appt. with a reviewer, he obviously has a good time and says that he will write a review, even emails and PM's you about it, never does it and then gives your name as a reference???

I truly feel that if you are a "reviewer", but can't seem to write a review, especially after continually promise to do so... I don't feel that you should expect me to give you a reference...

Am I wrong? Originally Posted by Alli
Sounds like he's totally inconsiderate but you shouldn't expect a review on a first date. Once you have him as a repeat customer then you could mention it or by then he may be compelled to write it. You shouldn't withhold a good reference based on a review not written. If he's denied access to a provider and the reason is he didn't get a reference there goes a potential regular for you.

There are many reviews I have not written but I had two ladies imply they wouldn't give me a reference if I didn't commit to seeing them soon. They ended up giving the reference but the damage had already been done. I would advise against it.