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  • 01-14-2020, 05:42 PM

Why won't they unlock?

Should they? Originally Posted by WTF
Tough call.

Apple advertises the impregnability of everyone’s IPhone as long as only you know the access code. It might be their single biggest marketing tool. Adding a big “but, unless the Government wants the code” to that is not conducive to good business.

It would be very helpful to national security to know what's In that phone. There might even be people in government, (especially the Saudi Government), who do not want anybody to know what's In it.

Damned if you do, damned if you fon’t.

Why won't they unlock?

Should they? Originally Posted by WTF
Apple has been at least consistent in their stance on this regardless of the political leanings of the administration they are butting heads with.

The question really does come down to what jurisdiction law enforcement/search warrants/etc. have in these instances regarding devices and intellectual property.

In most areas a person's right to privacy can be overridden by court order/search warrant/etc. A landlord can be "compelled" to open up a residence/etc. at the simple presentation of the warrant. Does a device qualify the same? And should it?
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  • WTF
  • 01-15-2020, 04:39 AM
Tough call.

Apple advertises the impregnability of everyone’s IPhone as long as only you know the access code. It might be their single biggest marketing tool. Adding a big “but, unless the Government wants the code” to that is not conducive to good business.

It would be very helpful to national security to know what's In that phone. There might even be people in government, (especially the Saudi Government), who do not want anybody to know what's In it.

Damned if you do, damned if you fon’t. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Would it be in our national security interests to shut down false information spread on Facebook by Russian trolls?
Would it be in our national security interests to shut down false information spread on Facebook by Russian trolls? Originally Posted by WTF
In an ideal world, yes.

But, just as our entire Main Stream Media has sold out to one political party and one political ideology, there is always the danger that the people that control these social media outlets would do the same thing.

Any false info that benefitted the conservative agenda would be banned, but false info helping the Socialist/Progressive/Liberal/Democrat agenda would be allowed.

Or visa-versa.

Is that the world you want?
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Why won't they unlock?

Should they? Originally Posted by WTF

yes they should unlock if the fbi has a court order.
Why doesn't the FBI hire Crowdstrike to unlock it? After all, that's what the DNC did and the FBI accepted their conclusions.

Why won't they unlock?

Should they? Originally Posted by WTF
Apple should say no and then the Israeli company can crack it.

No one else is smart enough to do it.
Didn't something like that happen 1-2 years ago? Apple refused and some private company unlocked it. Was the the gay nightclub shooters phone or the San Bernadino phone?

Apple, the choice phone of the modern jihadist.
lustylad's Avatar
Would it be in our national security interests to shut down false information spread on Facebook by Russian trolls? Originally Posted by WTF
That's an entirely different question. Why are you hijacking your own thread?

You're a fucking idiot!
You're a fucking idiot! Originally Posted by lustylad
I'd phrase it differently

how about : You're a fuckless idiot!"?
lustylad's Avatar
I'd phrase it differently

how about : You're a fuckless idiot!"? Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Olivia agrees with you!
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  • WTF
  • 01-15-2020, 11:53 AM
That's an entirely different question. Why are you hijacking your own thread?

You're a fucking idiot! Originally Posted by lustylad
Evidently you did not get our Moderators memo to not talk like this.

She does not want you putting yourself in a position of getting your ass beat should you run into a poster in Pittsburgh who takes offense to something you may have said.
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  • WTF
  • 01-15-2020, 11:54 AM
I'd phrase it differently

how about : You're a fuckless idiot!"? Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
I knew the subject matter was too deep for you my lil Grasshopper. How about you sit this one out while the adults discuss this.

many seem not to understand little difference between the government controlling choice either by declaring a one week old fetus a human being , lies on Facebook undermining our elections or Apple controlling our safety.
lustylad's Avatar
many seem not to understand little difference between the government controlling choice either by declaring a one week old fetus a human being, lies on Facebook undermining our elections or Apple controlling our safety. Originally Posted by WTF
Wow! Thanks for connecting the dots! We never could've done it without your help!

So this thread is about a pregnant woman who went on Facebook, saw a fake story saying abortions are banned, then couldn't unlock her Apple i-phone to call her doctor?

Got it!