Midland entertainment

  • ymb
  • 08-03-2024, 08:23 PM
I used to remember that Midland always have some ladies to choice from. Lately i have not had any luck finding anyone. What all happen to all the ladies? it has not been the same in a while.

If any one have any UTR that they are willing to share, please let me know. I come in 3-4 times a year and would love to find someone to play with when I am in town.
There’s only a few now that are worth the price given . Problem is what you would have called top tier providers that use to come out here raised their prices so much they don’t get enough clients to see them to make the trip worth it for them . Then some charge so much for what I would consider BASIC service . But if I had to say who you should you give a try it’s Sunny look her up on tryst
Sunny, seen her several times, definitely fun.



Lilith is pretty awesome, just reviewed her.


SexySahrah is also in town, saw her the other day, review to come. It’s definitely a Yes


I've been looking for the same thing. There's got to be a Latina network that we're not seeing, I can't believe this many guys are not getting laid.