A question for all

Most ladies have a website etc and or a profile on here that posts rates etc.. and you can get a feel for the rate via previous reviews.

Whereas I have not done this yet bu what do you think would be protocol if you set up a session with a lady from an AD that did not post rates, nor did you discuss rates on the phone yet you bring $$ to the session and she informs you it is more. You did not bring extra (maybe 20-40 more for a tip) but it would still be less than her normal amount that was neither advertised or discussed.

Should she accept what he has and and give a good level of service or should she tone it down a bit? Should she say "no" and not go through the session or ask him if he can go get the required amount for her?

Or should HE tell her he can go to the ATM and get the $$ then come back and see her but that eats time away or just tell her "how about we pass on this and next time I will know" yet NOT give her anything for her trouble since it is both her fault and his for not shedding light on the donation amount?

I know ladies do not like to discuss rates on the phone.. safety and all that.. but if a guy does not know what to bring, then he will bring what HE thinks is fair..
For the sake of keeping down confusion. You should make sure the rate is listed and/or ask the provider what the rates are. Simple as that. ♥
TexasGator's Avatar

I realize you're somewhat new to the game, and apparently missed orientation.
You're over thinking this whole issue with too many "what ifs"

Just keep a checkbook (or spare check) in your hobby fanny pack. All the cool kids have 'em. Show her you thought ahead, and brought a check in case she's deserving of a tip. That will make her think she's got to earn it, and there's no pre-set amount.

Show her your TDL so she sees the address is the same as the one on the check. Providers want to know you're not some transient before accepting checks.

If her service is bad, write the check anyway. After you leave, call the bank and put a Stop Payment Order on it -it's only a few bucks. Then either review or put up a post about her lousy service - we see enough reviews praising the ladies, but too few truthful ones. Make sure you blast her pimp as well.

If she texts or calls, write back and tell her how bad her service was and that you're only trying to help her and her sorry pimp/boyfriend move up to a 1 star notel so they can raise a family in comfort.

Then go home, put your feet up, turn on one of your old Three's Company DVDs and......wait for it!

-----with gratitude to Carebear for teaching me to be a kinder, gentler poster. Adabear, BooBoo!
ICU 812's Avatar
With no attempt at humor: You wouldn't order at a restaurant without knowing the rough amount of the tab. You wouldn't even walk in without the ability to pay.

Check here at ECCIE, do the research and bring enough money. For it to be a "Good Session" its got to be good for both of you. On the provider's side that means no drama and enough money.

Do your research first and bring enough money.
Wakeup's Avatar
Is that fanny pack refrigerated? JaD?

OP, are you serious? You'd honestly contact a provider, set an appointment, and just show up with some random amount of cash to pay her?

You need to stop hobbying...
Dude is just testing the water to see if he can get away with shorting a woman this way.
blowpop's Avatar
If you accept services from any sort of provider without knowing the price, you are a fool.

The best defense against being overcharged is to walk away before services are rendered, and you wouldn't have that option. So you either pay what is asked or enter into a very unpleasant ex post facto negotiation.

Get the price up front. Always.
Sarunga's Avatar
I realize you're somewhat new to the game, and apparently missed orientation.
You're over thinking this whole issue with too many "what ifs"

Just keep a checkbook (or spare check) in your hobby fanny pack. All the cool kids have 'em. Show her you thought ahead, and brought a check in case she's deserving of a tip. That will make her think she's got to earn it, and there's no pre-set amount.

Show her your TDL so she sees the address is the same as the one on the check. Providers want to know you're not some transient before accepting checks.

If her service is bad, write the check anyway. After you leave, call the bank and put a Stop Payment Order on it -it's only a few bucks. Then either review or put up a post about her lousy service - we see enough reviews praising the ladies, but too few truthful ones. Make sure you blast her pimp as well.

If she texts or calls, write back and tell her how bad her service was and that you're only trying to help her and her sorry pimp/boyfriend move up to a 1 star notel so they can raise a family in comfort.

Then go home, put your feet up, turn on one of your old Three's Company DVDs and......wait for it!

-----with gratitude to Carebear for teaching me to be a kinder, gentler poster. Adabear, BooBoo! Originally Posted by TexasGator
tbone77494's Avatar
Write a check, show license, then stop pay with a hooker. No offense dude but I think that is truly dumb advice. How much more do you want to document hiring a hooker? Then after the documentation, you piss her off with a stop pay?
TexasGator's Avatar
Beau Derierre's Avatar
Any reputable lady will happily answer:" What is your donation for your "time"?. If you are not able to find it posted. Now if you are one to just call and say "How much for a 30 min BBBJ " Or "Does the 200 dollar rate you have posted include X,Y and Z" You will more than likely get hung up on. When in doubt ask.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
If you accept services from any sort of provider without knowing the price, you are a fool. Originally Posted by blowpop
I just wanted to quote this. 'Cause.... well....

As you were.
Dude is just testing the water to see if he can get away with shorting a woman this way. Originally Posted by BFCjosh
I take it you have done so since you recognize this is a preliminary step in doing this and have done so?

No, I was asking the question that if the lady does not mention what her donation rate is on the phone, nor does she post it, and does not want to discuss it, how does a guy know what to bring?

Bringing extra is not wise according to A LOT of you on here since you could get robbed and if the guy thinks she is a $$ an hour lady and she is a $$$ an hour lady, then should he say "well we never discussed donation (which would be true) so I brought $$.... I can walk away and we can try for another day and I now know the amount, or you can go through with the session at the amount I brought since donation amount was never discussed or revealed"

Both directions have merit, rescheduling means she maintains her amount and it shows class on the guy's part to let her know he believes she is worth what she said... heck he still has that option to run to an atm and get the extra funds which should make his stock go up in her mind since he agreed to do so and came back

Her doing the session for the amount he brought (as long as it is not a big drop in rate) shows class on her part since she now knows it might be to her advantage to put this info out on her website so if someone asks, she points them to the site and all answers are there.

and what is your thoughts if the guy decides to reschedule and never does, or he leaves to get the extra funds and never returns? Or if he does the opposite and in 2-3 days reschedules, has all the needed funds and maybe more for a tip now that he has met you... or he goes to the ATM and is back in 10 minutes and has the session?
Haven't there been enough 'Ass to Mouth' threads lately? .................... ijs Cheers
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
Is that fanny pack refrigerated? JaD?
Originally Posted by Wakeuр
Dude! Trade secrets asshole! Pipe down already before fucktards start copying me!