On the way to an appointment today! It was my first ever NO SHOW!

IronMan's Avatar
I was on my way to an appointment today and half way there I remembered I left the pill bottle on the bed with the Cialis in it. Realizing this was going to be hard to explain tonight I circled and headed back.
About two intersection later a car ran a stop light and plowed into me.
Cell phone went array and I rode down in an ambulance with a head injury and a sore arm.
Leaving a totaled out car, broken cell phone, and a bottle of cialis on the bed I truly have had a really bad day!
It is now 2:00 am and I just arrived home from the hospital lucky to be alive!
And I am now in the dog house two fold!
Other than my explanation for the bottle on the bed!
I am now without a car and my first No Show ever in the Hobby.
I want to apologize to the Companion I had the appointment with for not being able to give you notice of me demise!
Fortunately the companion I believe will be much more forgiving than my problem brewing here at the home front! (not really laughing)

What would you say when you got home?
Why the bottle of cialis on the bed?
Any suggestions? Wife and I use to swing but not in a few years!
broes's Avatar
  • broes
  • 08-19-2010, 01:34 AM
I was on my way to an appointment today and half way there I remembered I left the pill bottle on the bed with the Cialis in it. Realizing this was going to be hard to explain tonight I circled and headed back.
About two intersection later a car ran a stop light and plowed into me.
Cell phone went array and I rode down in an ambulance with a head injury and a sore arm.
Leaving a totaled out car, broken cell phone, and a bottle of cialis on the bed I truly have had a really bad day!
It is now 2:00 am and I just arrived home from the hospital lucky to be alive!
And I am now in the dog house two fold!
Other than my explanation for the bottle on the bed!
I am now without a car and my first No Show ever in the Hobby.
I want to apoligize to the Companion I had the appointment with for not being able to give you notice of me demize!
Fortunitly the companion I believe will be much more forgiving than my problem brewing here at the home front! (not really laughing)

What would you say when you got home?
Why the bottle of cialis on the bed?
Any suggestions? Wife and I use to swing but not in a few years!
IM Originally Posted by IronMan
You had the bottle out because a buddy of yours called and was asking exactly what the label said and your opinion of that pill versus viagra. You can't tell her who was asking because she knows him and it would humiliate him to put his private impotence info out there. problem solved.
It was there so I'd remember to call the Dr about trying a different med since this one has been giving me bad headaches.
I got it confused with my blood pressure meds and I was going to repack it into another bottle. I didn't want to make that same mistake twice and left it on the bed.
I meant to find a hiding place for it because I didn't want the kids or snoopy friends seeing it in the medicine cabinet.
Try one of those.
You left it out as as a reminder that you were going to look at those internet sites and see if you could get it cheaper.

Or you left it out as a not-so-subtle hint to her that you were feeling frisky and wanted to make love to her that night.
I was on my way to buy flowers, strawberries, whip cream, and a good bottle of wine to put on the bed along with the pills...I really had a big surprise in mind for you tonight and I wanted to make sure I could pleasure you for a long time.
IronMan's Avatar
The story continues;
All great answers thanks but we are not having sex and we sleep in separate beds due to her snoring. What is my reason for having the stuff? I slept in to avoid the conversation this morning before she left for work!
It has to be more solid than that!
Surfindick you do have one that might grow wings not sure let me think about that one!
Actually I had a similar (without the wreck) experience I "fessed up" and told her I could not go through with it and was driving back home without seeing anyone and gave her the money I was going to use for the appointment to spend on herself. It caused me some problems but...."if you break the eggs make an omelet" rings true. As a side note mine was even a little worse...I left a new toy on my sink....
Actually I had a similar (without the wreck) experience I "fessed up" and told her I could not go through with it and was driving back home without seeing anyone and gave her the money I was going to use for the appointment to spend on herself. It caused me some problems but...."if you break the eggs make an omelet" rings true. As a side note mine was even a little worse...I left a new toy on my sink.... Originally Posted by surfindick
Use this one and your ass is under the magnifying glass for ever. You wont be able to go get a newspaper without a question.

You got it to try and rekindle things with her. Besides if I were off doing something wouldn't I have taken it with me?
She's not worried about hookers probably worried about an affair. You have a history of swinging so she'd be more likely to believe you want rekindle romance so that both of you have a good time. Women want to believe they are desired. Make the cialis about her and it will deflect her anger or suspicion. But you better watch your ass just the same. She's always going to have that in the back of her mind. I'd lay off the hobby for a few months.
Make the cialis about her and it will deflect her anger or suspicion. Originally Posted by Sawyer
I was going to suggest the same thing. If she questions the fact of the "lack o'sex" of late, you could say "since the sex hasn't been all that often, if at all, you wanted to be sure you were able to have the stamina to keep on going"...like the energizer bunny.

OR/AND....Tell her one of your work buddies did the same thing because he and his SO were going through the same thing you and your SO are so you thought youd give it a shot....
pmdelites's Avatar
I was on my way to an appointment today and ...
About two intersection later a car ran a stop light and plowed into me.
Cell phone went array and I rode down in an ambulance with a head injury and a sore arm.
Leaving a totaled out car, broken cell phone, and a bottle of cialis on the bed I truly have had a really bad day!
... Originally Posted by IronMan
well, it might have been your carma, but a dogma ran after it :^)

seriously, i am sorry for your misfortunes.
but thank the universe [or whomever you thank] that the other car was inches if not feet from where it could have done major damage if not death.

cars and cialis can be replaced.
maybe this was a not-so-subtle reminder to devote time to your relationship.

in any case, hope your injuries heal and you are up and at em again soon.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
whew that was a close one im glad you are okay hun the guys have given you some good suggestions that is a tough one to get out of i hope it all works out for you.
Glad you are OK, now that was a very bad day. As to the domestic situation, I am reminded of the scene in Braveheart, where the Irishman says to Wallace "The good Lord has told me I will survive the day but you'r Focked" I believe Wallace did survive that day.
IronMan's Avatar
Sorry this thread seems like a contest as to which member can lie the best LOL.
Some of you are really good at it!
But we are all in the HOBBY and need to support each other!

I think I am going with the rekindle idea of Surfindick and supported by sophia ( hi sophia what a babe she is guys)
Wife will be here in 15 minutes so I will report what happens later tonight. took some cialis also to see how things work out going to dinner to talk! Besides I do not have a car replaced yet grin so I am in need of her car! Tough to think about the wife when you have Sophia chiming in wow made me think of the great times we had together!
oK focus
let the idea sprout wings and fly!
Thanks for the support!

PS: The Companion I was seeing was very understanding and will not report me as a no show! She is however asking for a reschedule so that is a good sign. Hope the wife is just as understanding. I hope I am not sending a reply from a hotel tonight!
Wow I am so sorry that this has happened to you. I hope you are okay and you will get better. I would just say, hey huney surprise lets swing again. I really like watching how excited and happy it made you , so come on that's go out Saturday nite.
interesting read...cant wait to hear how it worked out