Doubles? I don't get the economic

CivilBarrister's Avatar
The most incredible doubles team I ever had the pleasure of experiencing was with MSB and HH. They were both $200/hr but $300 for doubles. Those economics made sense to me.

I have made the mistake of seeing others for doubles where the rate was the standard hourly rate X 2. Yes doubles are fun; BUT, in hindsight one hour with each lady for the same price would have been must more enjoyable.

Not that we can ever make any sense of Hooker Math, but what do you think?
pcsurvivorcbj's Avatar
I've never done doubles for that reason. I still only get one shot - I'd rather have two experiences.

The exception might also be as you described, 2 at 300. I would probably give that a go - just to kick it off the bucket list.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
*self edit.... Fuck it.
Did my 1st double ever in life near the end of Aug. and it was a lot of fun. Gonna do another Saturday with one of the same girls and one different one. It's a treat for when budget allows 'cause it's just fukin' hot and sexy and a lot of fun. But for regular play I agree that 2 separately occurring sessions make a lot more sense.
tbone77494's Avatar
Agree. Regrettably, nice as it is I have but one cock. Looking at a Latin agency double for $$$ that looks fun and won't blow the budget. Personally, I think a little extra time thrown in if I bring my a game to daty would be reasonable as well, but that doesn't happen often either.
SpiceItUp's Avatar
I think it depends how much one values the show. Assuming the girls actually, well, actually like girls and are very interactive I think its worth it.

If the girls aren't into each other then I don't think its of much value especially not at double the price for half the time spent. I've had encounters where essentially all I got was me taking turns on them, which was poor value. I've had others that were straight out of a porn flick that were worth every penny!

I value the show and the thrill so it makes sense for me occasionally. The difficulty imop lies in finding active and willing participants who truly enjoy it and don't half ass the girl on girl portion.
Russ38's Avatar
I'd have to agree with tbone on that as well....if its something you want to do often, the Latin agencies seem to be the place to go....for the amount of service they offer....@ $$.40 half hr/2girls or $$$ full hour/2girls.....give or take....not a bad deal.
john353's Avatar
I have done three doubles so far...and two of them were with Latina partners.

The one that stands out the most...I swear these two girls must've drank a six pack of Red Bull or something, because they both just about killed me. It was all I could do to walk to my car afterwards.


I agree that for the most part, doubles can be fun given the right circumstances...but I have also been in a double where I had left feeling like I could've made a better decision. The girls were hot and willing to do (almost) anything I wanted, but they were not bi and it was quite clear that they weren't going to interact. So it was basically me fucking one of them while the other watched, and then we would switch. It was OK...but not all that.

If I ever do another threesome, I'll make damn sure that I do better research and at least find a duo who not only are willing to have fun with me, but also play with each other as well.
tbone77494's Avatar
My theory supported by reading, not experience, is for me to pick girl 1 who I have experience with and for girl 1 to then pick girl 2. If I can swing the cost, I think RubyRed picking at third would fucking rock. The added budget buster is with something like that I want at least a 2 hr session so I can enjoy watching girl/girl during recovery between rounds.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
I'll be damned if I'm gonna pay to watch someone else have sex lol. If I do a doubles like others I would like the two to like each other and interact, I will also do two hours. However I'm gonna be fucking for two hours not watching.
tbone77494's Avatar
Agree EA. I however am probably only good for 1hr 45 min. I saw an older blond fbsm/bj lady in sugar land area a while back. She did fs sometimes and warned me that in a threesome, she tends to prefer pussy.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Of course doubles makes no economic sense.

But everything else in the money for pussy game is also nuts.

So you might as well shoot the moon when you get an urge and a chance. Why the hell not? Life is just the blink of an eye, then Poof.
For me, threesomes are the pinnacle. Probably 50% of my sessions are threesomes. I prefer them as long as they are both completely bi-sexual. If they aren't, it's still a turn on for me to have the other girl watch up close and personal and "help".
kerwil62's Avatar
I've never done doubles for that reason. I still only get one shot - I'd rather have two experiences.
Originally Posted by pcsurvivorcbj
This right here!!!
CivilBarrister's Avatar
I agree that if the girls are into each other it is more of a porn experience---but WATCHING 2 girls get it on and then being "left out" is even worse.

I am sure I will do more doubles, but The moon and stars have to align first.

And Don T - of course nothing in this Hobby world makes sense, but ...