29 shot, 9 fatalities in Baltimore over Memorial Day Week End

Do you think the Mayor, City Council, DA Mosby and her Councilman husband even care?

I am sure they and their loved ones are very secure in their day to day routines. I wouldn't be surprised if they have ordered up themselves extra police protection.
LexusLover's Avatar
"29 shot, 9 fatalities in Baltimore over Memorial Day Week End"

Question #1: How many were cops?
Question #2: How many were shot by cops?
"29 shot, 9 fatalities in Baltimore over Memorial Day Week End"

Question #1: How many were cops?
Question #2: How many were shot by cops? Originally Posted by LexusLover
I suspect most of the fatalities involved young men in the pharmaceutical trade.
Or domestic disputes.
Check out this RACIST call them criminals and thugs... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9-MCN1lKIVI
  • DSK
  • 05-26-2015, 10:08 PM

And the beat goes on. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Just another city spiraling out of control, and they hate the very cops who can stop it. The cops should flip the mayor the bird and quit.
Just another city spiraling out of control, and they hate the very cops who can stop it. The cops should flip the mayor the bird and quit. Originally Posted by DSK
If the Baltimore Police Dept. has a Union and doesn't have a "No Strike Clause" in their contract, they could go on strike. It happened in New Orleans back in the late 70's. The LASP and the LA National Guard had to take up the slack. They didn't do well either. Especially the Nat'l Guard they got more brutality complaints than NOPD would ever think about.

But ,as hard as Baltimore is trying to be the top "shithole" in the Country, it still didn't top Chicago.


The chant in The Windy City should be......"hell no Bro', we're still #1".
My question is "Are the Baltimore Cops getting the PTSD treatment they deserve?"

And "Where are the toxicology and autopsy reports of Freddy Gray?"

And where are the emails/phone records between the WH and Al Sharpton/NaN over the past 2 years?
My question is "Are the Baltimore Cops getting the PTSD treatment they deserve?"

And "Where are the toxicology and autopsy reports of Freddy Gray?"

And where are the emails/phone records between the WH and Al Sharpton/NaN over the past 2 years? Originally Posted by gnadfly
Good ole smelly turdfly. Always asking the important questions.
Local police have quit policing the high crime areas, and are letting them shoot it out. Some are having to walk to hospital after being shot, as the EMT'S are not responding also.
Does this mean that "black lives don't matter" ?
Do a drive through and do some recon whirrly, we are awaiting your report.
The Mayor and the Prez they got my back
They done told those PoPos to cut'us some slack
So tonight we be on a lootin' spree
Gonna get me some Jordans and a new TV

See I was on my corner tryin' to ply my trade
Five-0 came by and just drove away
I say to my Bro, "this is some really strange shit"
I guess that Mosby bitch is really legit.

So we be walking down the street
Just havin' some fun
Da Police spot me and see my gun
He say, "hey there dude, this be your lucky day
Our bosses just say to look the other way"