Time flying by....Am I still here? Sigh...

albundy's Avatar
Wow!!! Has it been this long that I've been on this board. I was bored so I went to the last page that lists all of the posts I've ever made. I started clicking on my oldest ones and moved forward every now and again. It's like watching a TV sit-com that ends up having a long run. It starts out awkward. Trying to find it's footing. Fleshing out it's characters. Working it's way towards the theme that'll define it. Almost too "nice".

Then, it hits it's stride. Doesn't give a damn about being nice anymore. It's characters are familiar and maybe gives you a few laughs now and again.

Interesting going back and looking at some of those first posts I made. I was WAY too nice, man.

Look at this oldie!!! HAHAHAHA!!! I can't believe I actually wrote: "all of a sudden SO decides to want to have sex today." There was actually a time, since I've been on here, where I actually fucked my wife!!! Yeah, the date of that post has a special significance to me. I'll give you a cookie (or maybe a bukkake) if you can guess why:
