Mother - Daughter Teams

freewilly1079's Avatar
Any body ever had a session with a mother-daughter team (of legal age of course)?
That's just....gross. But I'm not a man *shrug*
Agree, that's just creepy. Now unrelated MLIF and young hottie, I'm just saying..................
I do them but its just role play not blood related in anyway just having fun with each other thats all
A wise man once said,

"I would rather you whip my ass with a tire iron."
CoHorn's Avatar
A wise man once said,

"I would rather you whip my ass with a tire iron." Originally Posted by Dannie
Wise beyond his years.
pmdelites's Avatar
come on, it really depends on the women.

it they are both really cool w/ it, enjoy interacting with me and with each other, can make lil delites very pleased and delited, then i would consider it, assuming they met/passsed all my other variable criteria.

btw, milf makenzee and pregnant pet-my-kitty were damn hot Hot HOT the last time i visited them [mak & kitty - i know, i know, need to write/post a review; it's cuming!! :^]
In6ub9's Avatar
I had a mother /daughter once in high school. Not at same time .. But it did happen in the same day.

I was supposed to meet my Gf at her house after she got off of work. She worked part time at a restaurant after school.

So I get to her house and her mom is there. Mom was a solid cougar . Was at the time in her late thirties. Still had a nice figure and a very pretty face. Luckily
For me she also liked to drink a bit. It was rumored that prince Valium helped her through the night. I believe it . Not much else would explain the events that followed .

So we are sitting in the living room
Watching the tv, chit chatting, when she turns the conversation towards my relationship with her daughter.

Eventually, she asked if we were "active". I flustered and stumbled a bit. She had been drinking some , so I was careful about my answer. I told her that we were responsible and always played "safe". She dropped it
And continued her cocktail .

I get a call from the gf and she said she was last to get cut that night so she was going to be late. She said to just hang out there and she'd be home as quickly as possible.

When I hung up the phone her mom asked if she was on her way home. I told her she would be late.

Her mom got up to get a fresh cocktail and stumbled a bit as she did. Asked me if I wanted one too.. I was shocked but didn't want to turn down a drink.. Hell, they were far and few between in high school. As she's walking to the bar she laughs and says" now... Don't tell anyone I gave you this".

She comes back to the couch I'm sitting on and hands me the drink. She said again " don't tell anyone about this...ok?". I said " I keep my mouth shut about a lot of things". She looks at me funny and sits on the couch a foot or so away from me and we continue watching tv.

A few minutes go by and she bluntly asks if I thought she was attractive for an "old" woman. Oh shit...... How the fuck do you answer that? I said that she wasn't old and that she was defiantly a MILF. She asks what a milf was... And I told her it was an acronym for mother I'd like to ya' know..... She laughed her ass off and said yeah right. I told her that seriously, if I were a bit older or her a bit younger.... I was just being nice and trying to backpedal my way out of an awkward moment when she looked me dead in the eyes and asked that if I saw her on the street and didn't know her.. Would she still be a milf. I said absolutely.

She then said VERY seriously.." can you keep your mouth shut?" I said sure, nervously.

With that she moved closer to me and put her hand on my leg. She winked and asked again " really?".

About .2 milliseconds later, my mind was wrapping around the situation and sent a signal to my cock. Hard in a flash!
She looked at my crotch and said " I hope so" and moved her hand up the leg of my shorts and started playing with me.

Total freak out for me. Holy shit! I simply could not make my mouth move to say anything, I was stumbling on my tongue . About 5 -10 seconds later
I blew my balls off. She had made me blow faster that even I could manage on my best day. I was totally embarrassed .. Fucking beet red. My head was swimming. Then this dirty bitch pulls her hand out and starts licking it.

I sat there for about 1 minute ... Like a guy that just got stung by a taser. Trying to comprehend what the fuck just happened. She said I should probably clean myself up before her daughter got home... So I got up to go clean up my shorts.

As I'm getting undressed in the bathroom, she walks into
The bathroom and peeks into the mirror. She asks if I'm ok. I reply "I think so". She walks behind me and reaches around me while looking into the mirror and takes me in her hand. Instantaneous hard on again. She strokes me for just a second before turning me around and pushing my ass against the sink. She dropped to her knees and said "good" .
Omg! BLOWJOB. She sucked my dick so good... I still have "phantom feelings". I am getting really close to cuming again and as I start to shake at the knees she stops cold... Asks if I want to fuck her.. "Um, yeah I do ". So right there,in the bathroom we go to the floor.
And I swear to god... I came in her about 30 pumps into it. I was so wired up I kept on right through the orgasm and a few seconds later she gets tight and gets off herself .

Laying on the bathroom floor , she says .. " this didn't happen". "ok?". I said ok between breaths and she leans over and kisses me really good. She gets up off of the floor and gives me her hand to help pull me up. She says that I had better clean up now... Before her daughter gets home. I stayed in the bathroom for about 15 minutes or so before I was collected enough to start cleaning up. When I get out of the bathroom. Shes back on the couch sleeping. WTF just happened?

I sit on the recliner across from her , just brain fucked, I cannot stop looking at her.

Eventually, the gf called to say shes done working and will be on her way home and she's bringing food from work.

Time to shit bricks...
So she gets home and sees her mom asleep . She wakes her and asks if she wants dinner, her mother declined and said she was ... Get this " worn out" and was just going to go to bed. With that, mom disappears.

Gf and I eating , talking about the day and catching up on her drama at work. She says she's sorry for having to work late..and asks if her mom " bored " me to death while
I waited for her to get home . I have no idea how I managed to NOT crap my pants at that very moment. But my answer of " not really" passed muster. She said that she was sorry to make me have to put up with her mom for so long. And that she would make it up to me tonight since her mom was passed out in the bedroom. I said I might need a shower first . She wanted to wash the smell of food off of her anyways.. So why not have some fun in the shower. I was like" what about your mom?" . She said her mom was " pilled up" and wouldn't wake up if a tornado struck the house. So we end up in the shower, washing each other and let me tell you..... Dick was tender . Being a teenager, it had a mind of it's own and was up for more. We fooled around for a few and got out of the shower and straight to her bed.

The whole time we were fucking..... I couldn't stop thinking of her mom and what had just happened. I ended up busting one not only INSIDE her ... But I was thinking of her mom while I did it.

There were a few awkward moments afterwards when we'd all be together at their house when her mom would say something leading.. I think it was just to fuck with me.

I dated her daughter for about another six months or so before we broke up..

I never had any other encounters while I was dating her daughter.. But I did pay her a few visits when I was home on break from my freshman year in college. My ex gf was out of state working part time between semesters. ... So we had plenty of time to catch up.. So to speak. Never did see her again after that summer. She got a transfer and moved off. Don't know what happened to her after that.

I sure do miss that woman. Taught me quite a bit ... And for that , I'll always be grateful.

What a memory that was. I think that trip down memory lane has inspired me to see what ever became of my long lost milf.

Thank you " ms. R"... For everything
pmdelites's Avatar
what a story. you should sell it to penthouse forums :^)
or start a blog.

anyhoo, just curious, how long ago was this?
it sure sounded fresh from your mind as i read it.

"So we had plenty of time to catch up.. So to speak."
meaning you and the mom got it on again? did it stay good or decline? did she continue to take pills & drink and if so, did that affect her performance as best you could tell? how did the encounters/affair end? who broke it off?

i know that's all stuff beyond the frame of the painting you just displayed for us, but i am always curious about stuff like this [like the "what ever happened to ..." thread].

" Thank you " ms. R"... For everything."
oh, i get it, you're benjamin braddock and she's ms. robinson and this is the draft for "The Graduate"
In6ub9's Avatar
Not Robinson... Nice correlation though.

This was in highschool. 17 years ago for the first encounter .

She was a pill popper. And we did have time to "catch up". Never saw the gf after we broke up. Asked mom about her and got some updates, though.

The booze and the pills surely made her less inhibited. Didn't really affect her fucking . Although she did introduce me to anal once when she was smashed. She was moaning and groaning and next thing I know . Zzzzzz's . She fell asleep during anal. Was it wrong that I went ahead and finished?

I don't know if I would call it an affair.. It was more like an arrangement. I don't think she had any intentions of being my girlfriend. I think it was more of a midlife crisis come early. She definately liked that she was attractive to a young guy.

As far as breaking it off. I went back to school. So I guess my future degree broke it off.

Still trying to find out hat ever happened to her.. But my google ninja skills are not turning up much... So far.

And thanks.... Now I have that mrs. Robinson song stuck in my head.

I'm really glad you liked my recollection of very special memories. I think some things burn themselves into your brain and leave an indelible mark . Glad I could share them with you guys.

Thanks for the suggestion to start a blog. Was that sarcasm or encouragement? Because as life is truly stranger than fiction.. There are plenty of other " holy shit" moments stored in this noggin.
In6ub9's Avatar
Also... Toe fucked a friends mom
When he was taking a shit.
geck's Avatar
  • geck
  • 11-07-2010, 10:57 PM
Wow! Awesome story! Penthouse is right. This is prime material! Thanks for sharing!
pmdelites's Avatar

thx for the update.

wrt blog - semi serious. sell ad space and you might make some decent money over and above whatever income you have now.
In6ub9's Avatar
Thanks. Seriously.
  • hd
  • 11-08-2010, 07:35 AM
Was just thinking, wouldn't stories like this qualify for that 'first person story' thing Reader's Digest used to print?