Gary Johnson Just Stuck His Foot In His Mouth

He is on Fox right now, and said he would honor all agreements and treaties made by previous administrations to all Countries.

Really? Even when that "treaty" was nothing more than a glorified "executive order" made because the President knew it would never get through the Senate.

He also stated he would continue to pay back the money left when we made that deal with The Sha some three decades ago.

Fuck Iran. We don't owe them shit. And if Gary Johnson really believes we do, he is as niave and stupid about World Affairs as the moron in the White House now.

Hey Gary. Just go take another toke, and shut the fuck up.
I B Hankering's Avatar
He is on Fox right now, and said he would honor all agreements and treaties made by previous administrations to all Countries.

Really? Even when that "treaty" was nothing more than a glorified "executive order" made because the President knew it would never get through the Senate.

He also stated he would continue to pay back the money left when we made that deal with The Sha some three decades ago.

Fuck Iran. We don't owe them shit. And if Gary Johnson really believes we do, he is as niave and stupid about World Affairs as the moron in the White House now.

Hey Gary. Just go take another toke, and shut the fuck up.
Originally Posted by Jackie S

Candidates running on the Libertarian ticket always seem to be weak and naïve in regards to foreign policy. There are real boogeymen in the world, and if that seems paranoid, it would do one well to remember what Joseph Heller wrote about paranoia:
'Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't after you.' — Joseph Heller
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
What a disappointment.
LexusLover's Avatar
What a disappointment. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Your expectations were too high. What's his "history"?

Community organizer?
He is on Fox right now, and said he would honor all agreements and treaties made by previous administrations to all Countries.

Really? Even when that "treaty" was nothing more than a glorified "executive order" made because the President knew it would never get through the Senate.

He also stated he would continue to pay back the money left when we made that deal with The Sha some three decades ago.

Fuck Iran. We don't owe them shit. And if Gary Johnson really believes we do, he is as niave and stupid about World Affairs as the moron in the White House now.

Hey Gary. Just go take another toke, and shut the fuck up. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Wonder how that stacks up to what the other two clowns have to offer?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
He's got a great history. Built a huge business from scratch, successful two term governor of a blue state. But he's lost it this election. If we have another election, I hope the Libertarians nominate a real Libertarian in the mode of Ron Paul.
  • Tiny
  • 08-19-2016, 01:34 PM
He is on Fox right now, and said he would honor all agreements and treaties made by previous administrations to all Countries.

Really? Even when that "treaty" was nothing more than a glorified "executive order" made because the President knew it would never get through the Senate.

He also stated he would continue to pay back the money left when we made that deal with The Sha some three decades ago.

Fuck Iran. We don't owe them shit. And if Gary Johnson really believes we do, he is as niave and stupid about World Affairs as the moron in the White House now.

Hey Gary. Just go take another toke, and shut the fuck up. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Did he actually appear to say he'd honor all agreements with other countries that weren't approved by the Senate? Except for trade, Trump and Johnson have a good bit in common on foreign policy. Neither believes the USA should be subsidizing defense of foreign countries. And neither would get involved in wars in foreign countries, like Iraq, Syria and Libya, for wishy washy reasons that backfire, like bringing peace and democracy to the Middle East

As to Iran, I'd agree it makes sense not to return the money to them or drop sanctions until they've abandoned their nuclear weapons program. And they haven't really done that yet. That said, it is their money, and they do deserve it back if they behave. There would be repercussions if we just took the money. Foreign countries would be leery about using USA banks. Countries like China might dump their U.S. bonds, which are a huge component of our $19 trillion debt. And the status of the dollar as the world's reserve currency, and all the benefits that brings us, might be effected.

We agree on most things, but not on Johnson. There are a lot of disaffected Republicans who will sit this election out because they don't like Trump. Maybe Johnson will inspire some to go to the polls, vote for him, and vote Republican in the down ballot. That's what I'm going to do anyway. It's increasingly looking like Hillary's going to win. The best hope for the next four years is to elect a Republican House and Senate.
LexusLover's Avatar
He's got a great history. Built a huge business from scratch, successful two term governor of a blue state. But he's lost it this election. If we have another election, I hope the Libertarians nominate a real Libertarian in the mode of Ron Paul. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Nice ad. Reminds me of some of the BackPage princess ads.

I've read up on Mr. Johnson and his "success" as Governor of New Mexico. BTW, is the business he sold still operating? I forgot to check on that.

Besides, I thought for a second there you were talking about Bush.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Did he actually appear to say he'd honor all agreements with other countries that weren't approved by the Senate? Except for trade, Trump and Johnson have a good bit in common on foreign policy. Neither believes the USA should be subsidizing defense of foreign countries. And neither would get involved in wars in foreign countries, like Iraq, Syria and Libya, for wishy washy reasons that backfire, like bringing peace and democracy to the Middle East

As to Iran, I'd agree it makes sense not to return the money to them or drop sanctions until they've abandoned their nuclear weapons program. And they haven't really done that yet. That said, it is their money, and they do deserve it back if they behave. There would be repercussions if we just took the money. Foreign countries would be leery about using USA banks. Countries like China might dump their U.S. bonds, which are a huge component of our $19 trillion debt. And the status of the dollar as the world's reserve currency, and all the benefits that brings us, might be effected.

We agree on most things, but not on Johnson. There are a lot of disaffected Republicans who will sit this election out because they don't like Trump. Maybe Johnson will inspire some to go to the polls, vote for him, and vote Republican in the down ballot. That's what I'm going to do anyway. It's increasingly looking like Hillary's going to win. The best hope for the next four years is to elect a Republican House and Senate. Originally Posted by Tiny

So you're the good cop to Dizzzy's bad cop.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
He is on Fox right now, and said he would honor all agreements and treaties made by previous administrations to all Countries.

Really? Even when that "treaty" was nothing more than a glorified "executive order" made because the President knew it would never get through the Senate.

He also stated he would continue to pay back the money left when we made that deal with The Sha some three decades ago.

Fuck Iran. We don't owe them shit. And if Gary Johnson really believes we do, he is as niave and stupid about World Affairs as the moron in the White House now. Originally Posted by Jackie S

^ this kind of off your rocker cowboy response is exactly what this country doesn't need. Let me educate you JackieS. Yes. Let me say it again. YES we did owe the Iranians the money and in fact the total we owe them is S1.7B with $400M being the principal payment and the rest being accrued interest (that they agreed to) since the late 70's. They paid us in advance for war jets in the late 70's but our relationship soured before we could deliver and we said fuck it we're not going to deliver the jets. So now after a "normalizing" if you will of relations (after years of trying to get their money back) they went to the International Court of Arbitration (of which the US is a member of) to demand their money. Realizing there was no way around it and the penalties would likely be close to $10B Obama wisely negotiated with them a reduction in interest down to $1.7B total.

Like it or not we are part of the International Chamber of Commerce and a Hauge member so not complying to an international Tribunal ruling is NOT an option.

I'm stunned that so many of you live in this sort of 1950's cowboy ignorance and like Trump just flat out refuse to educate yourselves. Newsflash people it's 2016 and the world has left you folks behind why don't you do yourselves a favor and try to keep up.

So yes Gary Johnson is a smart man and knows what the fuck he's talking about. You guys always seem to use emotion and raw hillbilly anger instead of rational and well thought out common sense. What the fuck is up with you folks. No really. I don't understand this level of willful ignorance. Same shit with Trump.

Again yes we owe them and yes we have to pay them. This isn't some street game of dice and even then you don't pay up when you owe you get beat down or shot. In this case we lose before the International tribunal to the tune of ~10 Billion dollars. It's not our money it was their fucking money to begin with.

Geez wake up folks.
LexusLover's Avatar
Let me educate you ... Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
You have to know something to impart knowledge!

Do you see a "connection" there?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Nice ad. Reminds me of some of the BackPage princess ads.

I've read up on Mr. Johnson and his "success" as Governor of New Mexico. BTW, is the business he sold still operating? I forgot to check on that.

Besides, I thought for a second there you were talking about Bush. Originally Posted by LexusLover
He's a good guy, he's just not able to beat Hillary, and he's a little to left for me at this point. As far as I know his business is still going. He sold it before he went into politics for millions.

I have nothing good to say about Bush, except I like it on ladies.
  • Tiny
  • 08-19-2016, 03:10 PM
I have nothing good to say about Bush, except I like it on ladies. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
If you ever get the crabs you'll change your tune.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Let me educate you Dizzzy, unlike the US, Iran has no constitution and therefore no continuity between regimes. We can change presidents or parties but we are still the same constitutional republic. All deals are with that republic. Iran is not the same country that they were in 1979. Not the same government, not the same laws. What we owed in 1979 we owed the Shah and not the Ayatollah. Carter started this joke by elevating a bunch of barbaric murderers into world leaders just like he Arafat. If, big if, what you say is true then you have to arrest Bill Clinton as he sold the four destroyers to Taiwan. Ships that he did not own, according to your logic.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Let me educate you Dizzzy, unlike the US, Iran has no constitution and therefore no continuity between regimes. We can change presidents or parties but we are still the same constitutional republic. All deals are with that republic. Iran is not the same country that they were in 1979. Not the same government, not the same laws. What we owed in 1979 we owed the Shah and not the Ayatollah. Carter started this joke by elevating a bunch of barbaric murderers into world leaders just like he Arafat. If, big if, what you say is true then you have to arrest Bill Clinton as he sold the four destroyers to Taiwan. Ships that he did not own, according to your logic. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

my goodness. you're dumb as a bucket of shrimp and ohh the International Court in the Hague disagrees with your retard assessment.

LOL - you folks are useless. See you on election night