What is the only medical procedure where a

oilfieldace's Avatar
Minimum of 50% of the participants die?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
This forum. In fact, 50% of the participants in this thought provoking thread are already brain dead.

oilfieldace's Avatar
No wonder you are rain dead, you can’t spell. I already told you , but he we go again , FUCK OFF LIL BITCH
oilfieldace's Avatar
Brain of which you are woefully short
Minimum of 50% of the participants die? Originally Posted by oilfieldace
... Liberals LOVE those odds, mate.

... They always have.

#### Salty
Minimum of 50% of the participants die? Originally Posted by oilfieldace
Child birth in many cases.
Child birth in many cases. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Wow I had no idea that out of the millions of pregnancies taken to full term, where the result is a birth, that half result in either the death of the mother or death of the child.

I suppose you got that “fact” off of any one of the major main stream media channels.

You know, the same ones who are reporting that abortion is now illegal in the United States.
HedonistForever's Avatar
So, in this country ( most states ) you can't legally ask a doctor to help you die but you can ask a doctor to help you kill an unborn child.

Try and wrap your brain around that one for a minute
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
is that the correct answer?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Apparently none of you pussy grabbers understood what 1b1 said.

Just like nobody knows WTF the OP was trying to say. Aside from his rude name calling and scatologies, that is.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Child birth in many cases. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Apparently none of you pussy grabbers understood what 1b1 said.

Just like nobody knows WTF the OP was trying to say. Aside from his rude name calling and scatologies, that is.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

if you two clam there is a high death rate giving birth let's see some evidence to back that up.

pretty sure you won't be able to back that up.

What are the chances of dying while giving birth worldwide?

Across most of the world, the risk is less than 1%. In most countries, it's even well below 0.1%. But, in Sierra Leone, 6% of 15-year-old women today will die from maternal causes sometime in the future, if fertility and maternal mortality rates stay the same.Sep 17, 2019
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Minimum of 50% of the participants die? Originally Posted by oilfieldace
i'm guessing its this.


This Dutch blacksmith, Jan de Doot, removed his own bladder stone.

Wikimedia Commons Ancient Greek, Roman, Persian and Hindu texts refer to a procedure, known as lithotomy, for removing bladder stones. The patient would lay on their back, feet apart, while a blade was passed into the bladder through the perineum – the soft bit of flesh between the sex organ and anus. Further indignity was inflicted by surgeons inserting their fingers or surgical instruments into the rectum or urethra to assist in the removal of the stone. It was an intensely painful procedure with a mortality rate of about 50%.

The number of lithotomy operations performed began to fall in the 19th century, and it was replaced by more humane methods of stone extraction. Healthier diets in the 20th century helped make bladder stones a rarity, too.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
i'm guessing its this.


This Dutch blacksmith, Jan de Doot, removed his own bladder stone.

Wikimedia Commons Ancient Greek, Roman, Persian and Hindu texts refer to a procedure, known as lithotomy, for removing bladder stones. The patient would lay on their back, feet apart, while a blade was passed into the bladder through the perineum – the soft bit of flesh between the sex organ and anus. Further indignity was inflicted by surgeons inserting their fingers or surgical instruments into the rectum or urethra to assist in the removal of the stone. It was an intensely painful procedure with a mortality rate of about 50%.

The number of lithotomy operations performed began to fall in the 19th century, and it was replaced by more humane methods of stone extraction. Healthier diets in the 20th century helped make bladder stones a rarity, too. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
well, taint that something
Michael8219's Avatar
Simple math. Abortion (murder). A minimum of 50% (the unborn child) will die in this so called medical procedure (murder) and potentially up to .2% of the mothers.

Use contraception, plan b, other two orifices during ovulation, abstain, or go see Rosie and her five sisters. I’ve read reviews and posts where many have limits on both sides in their activities. If you play, step up and honor the unborn child or put him/her up for adoption if you can. Not an easy subject and no judgement here.

Not talking about cases of rape, incest, risk to the mom’s health, or where the child will have complications (all of these are slippery slopes).

Easy deduction working in the oilfield with a lot of drilling, laying pipe, moving of fluid, pressure, smart pigs, hydro testing, and dewatering into the hay bales. Should even have a davit to catch the pigs. It doesn’t take a college degree to figure this out, kids.

If you work the same line for years you know where the bends are and how to handle the valves especially on the older pipelines. But you yearn for the line that’s just been put in service because it’s easier and moves the product a lot faster. It’s easier to handle until an anomaly pops up.

Of course that’s when you go work on the alyeska pipeline or take an international assignment where you start to f up all over again (with a new and different pipeline altogether).
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Child birth in many cases. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
That happens when something goes wrong. Odd thing about abortion, something’s went wrong if everybody lives.