guys ...plastic man

Plastic Man's Avatar
justs wantin ta says hi an wantin ta ...knows if ...yer ...plastic man ...dones always beens the bestest ...plastic man ...ta ya alls thats ...plastic man ...can be

...cause if ...ya says ...plastic man ...wasnts theres fers yas evens once it dones makes yer ...plastic man ...cry

...cause yer ...plastic man ...hates cryin an ...loves laughin
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
But how can Plastic Man be the bestest he can be if he's not Polycarbonate?
Is he contemplating new formulas? If so, which formulas. And, what formula is he currently? Is he chemical resistant? Does he melt in the sun? What are his life objectives (that appear to change frequently)?
If made of polystyrene, and is unhappy, and strives to be the best he can be, will he choose to be polyethylene? Or Polytetrafluorethylene? Perhaps he would prefer polyeretherketone? Or Polycarbonate?
These are all difficult choices that could change his lifestyle. But, who are we to judge.
And, if he changes his body composition, does he have to move his brain, or his mind?
A whole new set of issues could occur.
But, is it possible he's done this before and that is why PM is who he is today?
Perhaps we should assure him that he is the best he can be as he is now, as any experimental activity might cause him to melt or become totally rigid.

Yes I have a plastics factory as a client. Consulting is at our standard fees.
Don’t rule out polyamide imide.
Willie Wanker's Avatar
PVC Man is superior. He can take the heat, and doesn't bend under pressure.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Don’t rule out polyamide imide. Originally Posted by Crazy Bob
If Plastic Man want's a magnetic personality perhaps.
PVC Man is superior. He can take the heat, and doesn't bend under pressure. Originally Posted by Willie Wanker
But he'd be way to stiff with a loss of mobility.
Plastic Man's Avatar
yas alls be as obsessed withs ...plastic man much as ol comms be ...obsessed with ...benis
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
We'll build you a plinth out of sand
jokacz's Avatar
yas alls be as obsessed withs ...plastic man much as ol comms be ...obsessed with ...benis Originally Posted by Plastic Man
Which is to say not at all.

When your fan club meets, who gets custody of the testicle?

Get over yourself, Flaccid Man.
Plastic Man's Avatar
plastic man ...rang comms ...came!
oklib's Avatar
  • oklib
  • 07-28-2022, 06:50 AM
We can regrind the plastic and get a recycled version that is smarter
jokacz's Avatar
plastic man ...rang comms ...came! Originally Posted by Plastic Man

When is the last time you "came"...when someone else was in the room?

My money is on never, Oh Flaccid One.

Plastic Man's Avatar
When is the last time you "came"...when someone else was in the room? Originally Posted by jokacz
whens ya weres wearin yer french ...maid outfit

...dones yer mind really ...goin so fast ya be ...fergetten sexy time withs ...plastic man?
offshoredrilling's Avatar
^^^^ commando ???? yuck
winn dixie's Avatar

jokacz's Avatar
whens ya weres wearin yer french ...maid outfit

...dones yer mind really ...goin so fast ya be ...fergetten sexy time withs ...plastic man? Originally Posted by Plastic Man
Sharing your wet dream with us still doesn't remove you from the ranks of the incels.