How to stay safe as a hobbyist.

I am just wondering besides making sure a girl has references and is reviewed how to stay on safe when you make the encounter. Is there any legal advice? I know that if she as something obvious and wants you to express what the money is for to be alarmed... I am just basically asking how to say safe as a hobbyist.
If you are looking for legal advice go to the main board and look at at the last topic, A question of legality. There are stickys that are worth reading that will shed some light on your question. Other than that there are numerous posted guidelines on how to conduct yourself all over this board, if you are new to this you really need to read them and reread them. I don't have time or the inclination to find them all and link to them but figure if I can find them anyone can find them. If you are asking for how do I participate risk free the answer is you don't unless you make a trip to Nevada.
Osolomio's Avatar

Well spoken, sir. And thank you for your advice. I have a feeling the topic you just pointed to on the national board just saw its counter just take a jump. I haven't read the stickys you've mentioned, but I plan to. Thanks again.
The guy, ShysterJon, who wrote them is an attorney practicing law in Texas according to what I have read. As much as I despise the ACLU there is a link to a card to print out and carry with you. The advice it gives is good and a prudent person would heed that advice in any situation. One of items they list that I have had stressed to me is to keep my mouth shut. In any situation that has me scared, excited, ect my mouth seems to rearrange what my mind intends for it to say. Therefore I need to stop talking after I give my name and call an attorney. No disrespect is intended towards anyone but if you study the R.E.I.D investigative tactics you will have a clear picture of why the advice to shut up is critical. I am not implying time to figure out how to lie but rather make sure you carefully word the truth.
ShysterJon's Avatar
Do people have sex in the Midwest? I thought all they do is eat corn and tip cows.

There's a hotlink to the thread referenced by makemesmile in my sig line. There were a lot of good comments so the thread is worthwhile reading, I think.

If I can give one piece of advice to a new provider or hobbyist, it would be this: Don't discuss money or particular sex acts with a stranger.
Oh the infamous SJ makes an appearance in Nebraska.

And yes, we have sex in the Midwest......lots of it in fact.
Osolomio's Avatar

"Do people have sex in the Midwest? I thought all they do is eat corn and tip cows."

You have it backwards, sir. We tip corn and eat cows. Texas steaks are only served at breakfast with eggs. But only if Nebraska Beef is not available at WalMart. Then we have sex...during which the use of either is typically frowned upon; unless one tips well.

By the way, thank you for the interesting reading material.
Thanks Make me smile and systerjon!