Go, Bernie, go!!!

He appears to be inching ahead in California:


Oh, happy day.

I wanted chaos at both conventions. Unfortunately, the turd sandwich - Donald Trump - has locked up the GOP nomination.

But if Bernie can just pull off a brokered convention, he will take the nomination from that crooked shrew Hillary and put the Clinton crime family out of business once and for all. I would love to watch Hillary strap on a suicide bomb vest and take out all the disloyal delegates she thought she had bought off.

Then, I want Bernie to wipe out the pseudo-fascist Trump in the general election - just to teach the likes of IFFY their proper place in the world.

Next, I want Bernie to have a disastrous four years - the economy is going down anyhow, so he might as well get the blame.

Finally, in 2020, I want the GOP to nominate a libertarian-ish candidate who protects Main Street businesses and not Wall Street businesses. And who protects American wages by shutting down immigration and creating a labor shortage at the lower and middle income brackets.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
No, Bernie, NO!

exNYer .. er Revenant or whoever you are this week, don't go Bernie. resist the burn of socialism ..

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
No, Bernie, NO!

exNYer .. er Revenant or whoever you are this week, don't go Bernie. resist the burn of socialism ..

I want the GOP to nominate a libertarian-ish candidate who protects Main Street businesses and not Wall Street businesses. And who protects American wages by shutting down immigration and creating a labor shortage at the lower and middle income brackets. Originally Posted by Revenant

You can vote for that in 2016, nyRINOer... glad you woke up, thanks!

  • DSK
  • 06-02-2016, 09:32 PM
He appears to be inching ahead in California:


Oh, happy day.

I wanted chaos at both conventions. Unfortunately, the turd sandwich - Donald Trump - has locked up the GOP nomination.

But if Bernie can just pull off a brokered convention, he will take the nomination from that crooked shrew Hillary and put the Clinton crime family out of business once and for all. I would love to watch Hillary strap on a suicide bomb vest and take out all the disloyal delegates she thought she had bought off.

Then, I want Bernie to wipe out the pseudo-fascist Trump in the general election - just to teach the likes of IFFY their proper place in the world.

Next, I want Bernie to have a disastrous four years - the economy is going down anyhow, so he might as well get the blame.

Finally, in 2020, I want the GOP to nominate a libertarian-ish candidate who protects Main Street businesses and not Wall Street businesses. And who protects American wages by shutting down immigration and creating a labor shortage at the lower and middle income brackets. Originally Posted by Revenant
I like everything you said except of course the gratuitous insults toward Mr. Trump and Iffy.

Your last paragraph was particularly well written - you haven't ever been a journalist, have you?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
JL on the "outing trail" again?

Don't be Daft!
TheDaliLama's Avatar
He's a thief
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
On the very small chance the Democrats do not nominate Hillary, they will turn to Biden before Sanders. But I think the outcome has already been decided, and Hillary is in. Unless she's indicted, or has a stroke, and she won't be indicted.

Biden v Trump would be terrific! Neither one thinks before they speak. It would be a blast!
lustylad's Avatar
1. He was kicked out of a Vermont hippie commune in the '70s for being a slacker.... Bernie the socialist couldn't even last a week in a real-life socialist situation.

2, He fathered a child out of wedlock.

3, He wrote articles on uplifting topics such as masturbation and rape for left-wing rags at $50 a pop.

4, When his electricity was repeatedly shut off for not paying his bills, he ran a line from his basement to bypass the meter and steal it.

5, He never earned a steady paycheck until he was 40, and then it was from the government.

6. He honeymooned in the Soviet Union.

7. His most recent tax return shows he paid only a 13.5% federal income tax rate - lower than what Mitt Romney's tax returns showed when he ran in 2012. (When Republicans pay a low rate it's a scandal. When Dems and socialists do it, it's a non-issue.)




dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I like everything you said except of course the gratuitous insults toward Mr. Trump and Iffy.

Your last paragraph was particularly well written - you haven't ever been a journalist, have you? Originally Posted by DSK
Revenent is right about Trump being a turd sandwich. I'd call him much worse than a turd sandwich. he's a poop nazi.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 06-03-2016, 03:37 AM
How sad that out of hundreds of millions of people we are looking at this collection as the best options for leadership. Even worse, there are some on here who can find someone among this swill that they actually support. But then, this board does have some odd characters.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
How sad that out of hundreds of millions of people we are looking at this collection as the best options for leadership. Even worse, there are some on here who can find someone among this swill that they actually support. But then, this board does have some odd characters. Originally Posted by Old-T
How sad that out of hundreds of millions of people we are looking at this collection as the best options for leadership. Even worse, there are some on here who can find someone among this swill that they actually support. But then, this board does have some odd characters. Originally Posted by Old-T
Hahaha, Can't argue with that. That's why I don't rally around a particular candidate. Even though I am more inclined to vote for Trump than I would for Sanders or Clinton, I am all about impeachment if he can't cut it. In order for America to prevail as a great country these clowns must ace this hideous idea that we work for them. That's the attitude Bush had and Obama has it too. That's why my confidence in Government has tapped out.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Revenent is right about Trump being a turd sandwich. I'd call him much worse than a turd sandwich. he's a poop nazi. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
if you consider Trump a poop nazi, what do you consider Clinton to be?

How sad that out of hundreds of millions of people we are looking at this collection as the best options for leadership. Even worse, there are some on here who can find someone among this swill that they actually support. But then, this board does have some odd characters. Originally Posted by Old-T
many don't enter politics due to the intense media scrutiny it invites. being a public figure isn't the easiest thing. while i don't consider Trump an ideal candidate, i don't think there is one even with potentially millions to choose from.

every person will have views others don't agree with. sometimes minor, sometimes major. there's no ideal candidate for all.

i consider Trump by far the lessor evil than Clinton. by far. Clinton is a criminal. Trump is capable of moderating his views, despite what the media wants to say.

either you don't vote at all, or you vote for the candidate closest to your views. if you call that lessor of two evils so be it.

i can't recall if it was Heinlein or Asimov (probably Heinlein) who wrote a short story where in the future, a computer selected the most "average" person in the country and then that person then voted on all issues for that cycle.

i do know it was Heinlein who said this about voting ..

“If you are part of a society that votes, then do so. There may be no candidates and no measures you want to vote for ... but there are certain to be ones you want to vote against. In case of doubt, vote against. By this rule you will rarely go wrong.”

Robert A. Heinlein, Time Enough for Love

that is exactly why i'll vote for Trump over Clinton, assuming the slut doesn't get indicted ..
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
if you consider Trump a poop nazi, what do you consider Clinton to be? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Hillary is a corrupt opportunistic commie turd who likes to bark like a small Chihuahua.