
  • oeb11
  • 07-20-2019, 09:30 AM
YR and SC are back from vacation - and in fine form.

Welcome back to the playpen, posters.

Please re-read the rules, and your stay on forum will be comfortable if SomeOnes comply with the rules of the forum. Not difficult.

This place is not as boisterous without the comedy of DPST opinions.

One more to return to complete the DPST Axis.

"Racism" - the latest mantra of the Gang of Four and other DPST's.

When intellectually bankrupt - DPST's Scream "Racism" in Outrage!
Easy to recognize - however, conservatives have shyed away from challenging the race-baiters due to concerns of appearing "racist"- when in fact it is the DPST Plantation politics that impose racism on this country. Conservatives care less about race - conservatives care about conservative ideas and adherence to the Constitution - with equal rights for All under the Law.

We get a DPST House, Senate, and POTUS - the Constitution will go the way of the dodo bird, with DPST One party Totalitarian rule imposed.

Time to stand up and Fire Back - I reject the Racist labelling, and call the DPST's out for their own Racism and Plantation Politics.

Stand up and call the Lie - the Lie for what it is.

Jussie - now getting a special prosecutor to look into the handling of his case. The DPST apologists are screaming their poster child was actually assaulted as Jussie complained, and the two brothers are lying about what happened. Fine - let's see what a jury of peers has to say to evidence presented in court.

Problem - DPST's are also screaming Jussie cannot get fair trial because he is gay and black (and a "Star")and thus Chicago cannot assemble a "jury of peers" for a trial for him.


Iran - has taken two oil tankers over and one is British, in retaliation for the seizure of the Iranian tanker at Gibraltar. Along with the bombing of two oil tankers.

What more evidence needs to be before DPST's understand their beloved islamic poster child of repression by the US is a rogue, terrorist sponsoring, outlaw state. They would love to control the Strait of Hormuz and all the oil shipping. Wouldn't that be a fun time - Joy to the DPST's. iran is pushing the west as far as it can - trying to bait US and Europe into a military conflict iran wants to blame on the west for starting. Trump has been rightfully wary of engaging in armed conflict with the theocracy.iran's theocracy may well push it over the edge, and start a conflict the west does not want.

There are those apologists on forum who think iran would win a conflict against the US and Europe. If Russia (Putin) supports iran with his military - it is very difficult to win a conflict overseas with long supply lines in a foreign country where one cannot tell friend from foe - (Afghanistan - Brits and russians) - that could lead to a world-wide conflagration. Perhaps the theocracy sees their promotion to "Paradise" as a desirable outcome. The rest of the world does not .
Yes indeed! Welcome back guys!
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  • oeb11
  • 07-20-2019, 11:13 AM
Very Good, AE!!!!!