Trump is now basically begging African-Americans for their vote.

Trump with less than 90 days to election and barring some major catastrophe is trying to make his inevitable loss look as minimal as possible. Trump is now begging African Americans- whom right now he has 2 percent of their votes and will show up in major numbers this election as they did in 2008 and 2012.

However, as always Trump's message was more insulting then anything else and there's a huge backlash from the African American community because Trump basically grouped them in one big category making them seem like they are all underprivileged and poor. Trump also had some incorrect facts- 58 percent of the youth unemployed? Replay? Trump forgets to mention that a great percentage of the unemployed African Americans are in school and therefore would not necessarily be seeking employment.

Trump also delivered his message at a rally that was attended by 99 percent whites and he was in a city of 93 percent white population. Why not address the African-american voters in a city like Detroit or Lansing where you are speaking to majority of African american people?

Did Trump really think African Americans are so dumb that they will just forget all of his racist rhetoric and turn and vote for him?

Imagine if Clinton pleaded to the uneducated poor white trailer park trash and begged them for their vote. Once again Trump opens his mouth and delivers the wrong message. What's next for Trump he begs muslims and Latino's for their vote?
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Oh...and Hillary just buys them my offering free stuff.

Why don't you just stfu Blubber Boy.
Oh...and Hillary just buys them my offering free stuff.

Why don't you just stfu Blubber Boy. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
well when that fat lower lip of his gets to flapping it can't stop
I B Hankering's Avatar
Lubed Wide-ass wants to ignore how Biden pleaded for the Black vote in 2012.
Trump is right. With the advent of Lyndon Johnson's Great Society, the Democrat Party made a deal with Black America. Give us your vote, and the Government will take care of you.

How's that worked out? Record unemployment. Record incarceration. Record out of wedlock births. Record drop out rates.Record drug use. Herded into housing projects that amount to nothing more than ghettos.

Vote Democrat. Get more of the same. It's working out so well so far.

If insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result, the Black America must be insane.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
They'd be better off if they voted for Trump.

We'd all be better off.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Trump is right. The Establishment has worked hard to keep blacks dependent on government. Dependent people are dependable voters. If blacks want to advance, they need to release themselves from the Democrat (and often Republican) plantation owners.
Oh...and Hillary just buys them my offering free stuff.

Why don't you just stfu Blubber Boy. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Aren't you black ? You African POS go back to your poor impoverished country
Trump is right. The Establishment has worked hard to keep blacks dependent on government. Dependent people are dependable voters. If blacks want to advance, they need to release themselves from the Democrat (and often Republican) plantation owners. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I partially agree with you but the republicans in the last 3 decades have not helped anyone but the rich so they are not going to help the blacks. I am no racist but I have tried to get my black friends to open their mind more so politically.
The republicans have done a horrendous job appealing to the poor and minorities. If the majority of white poor people weren't racist republicans would lose every Presiential race. Let's face it a majority of the red states are flooded with poor whites who will vote republicans because they are programmed to believe that people in money should be in power.
Let's face it none of the republicans policies actually help poor people. Trump during the debates said he would not raise the minimum wage.
They'd be better off if they voted for Trump.

We'd all be better off. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
We be better off in this forum if you ingested a huge dose of cyanide- go fuck off if you died today I would throw a party that's how much I despise you. Calling you a Piece of Shit is given Shit a bad name!!!
Puke_Likly and his orcs, troll a Trump rally in Minnesota...
bambino's Avatar
We be better off in this forum if you ingested a huge dose of cyanide- go fuck off if you died today I would throw a party that's how much I despise you. Calling you a Piece of Shit is given Shit a bad name!!! Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
He wasn't begging fuckhead, he said "what the hell do you have to lose". So fucknuts, after decades of AA's voting for Demoscats, what do they have to lose fuckwad? The only way to go is up asshole.
LexusLover's Avatar
"Trump is now basically begging ..."

Is that distinguished from nonbasically begging?

Or is that different from basically nonbegging?

How about nonbasically nonbegging?

LukeWarm you either basically have an injured brain or you have simply an injured brain!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
"Trump is now basically begging ..."

Is that distinguished from nonbasically begging?

Or is that different from basically nonbegging?

How about nonbasically nonbegging?

would that qualify as non sequitur nonsense??

LukeWarm you either basically have an injured brain or you have simply an injured brain! Originally Posted by LexusLover

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Live Wideass, the Democrats help the rich as much or more than the Republicans. Don't fool yourself. The Establishment of both parties is an interlocking directorate. They all hate Trump, which is the main reason I support him.