Reviewing the Reviewer....

So, Kaylen and I were talking and we wanted to see what others thought about the ladies doing reviews for the guys that review them.... Or even just random guys that they've seen. I've had good experiences and some not so good, but us ladies act as professionals and don't say anything publicly.

Whereas, the guys can post reviews for everyone to read. Sure there is a VIP area for more personal details of the session, and I always wonder what else is being said but we really don't know. And, the recommendation and brief description in the review is sometimes enough to figure out how the reviewer really feels. Not to mention the fellow hobbyists can follow up with their opinions in a post. But, us females cant defend ourselves, which is why providers often start threads defending themselves.

So, I wonder how the guys would like it if we reviewed them. Yea, we have our ladies powder room, but not much goes on in there.

And would it hurt our business if we reviewed the guys back?? Sometimes the reviews the guys give us can hurt our business and other times I don't think guys even care.

I've noticed a lot of ladies with a 'no' recommendation still get seen by plenty of guys.... Is it because of her extremely cheap donation? And yes, I say cheap because $60 is cheap for fs. Or is it curiosity? Or.....??? And then to top it off, other gentlemen give her a review with a 'no' recommendation as well....So what is the point of that negative review?

So, would it be useful and/or fun to review the guys too?

What do y'all think??
I keep suggesting they review me, because I feel ashamed for reviewing them. Even though most of my reviews are "good", I've decided they are demeaning to the provider.

"Oh, look what I did to this girl!!" It's gross.

I'm not doing any other reviews because of that... if I even continue to see providers.

I don't know if it'd hurt your business or not, but I encourage client reviews. I think it would be hilarious.
Bubba's Avatar
  • Bubba
  • 08-13-2013, 06:09 PM
This topic has come up several times over the years. It is going to be interesting to see where this goes this time.....

I'll put in my quick penny's worth.......Not counting "fun" reviews, I would be fine with the ladies reviewing me when they are paying me for my services.

I'm not trying to be mean or harsh but when it is all said and done, reviews are about the services provided. When was the last time you were publically reviewed by a restaurant or clothing store?

Maybe I'm old fashion but I have always believed it is the customer that does the reviewing. Even though I have never, ever had a problem with a lady I've had the pleasure of visiting I would not see someone that did a review of any of their clients. The only exception would be if the guy agreed to being reviewed. Fortunately I don't think that will be allowed on this site anytime soon.
What if the ladies could review the guys that review them.... Or even just random guys that they've seen. I've had good experiences and some not so good, but us ladies act as professionals and don't say anything publicly.

Whereas, the guys can post reviews for everyone to read. Sure there is a VIP area for more personal details of the session, and I always wonder what else is being said but we really don't know. And, the recommendation and brief description in the review is sometimes enough to figure out how the reviewer really feels. Not to mention the fellow hobbyists can follow up with their opinions in a post. But, us females cant defend ourselves, which is why providers often start threads defending themselves.

So, I wonder how the guys would like it if we reviewed them. Sure, we have our ladies powder room, but not much goes on in there.

And would it hurt our business if we reviewed the guys back?? Sometimes the reviews the guys give us can hurt our business and other times I don't think guys even care.

I've noticed a lot of ladies with a 'no' recommendation still get seen by plenty of guys.... Is it because of her extremely cheap donation? And yes, I say cheap because $60 is cheap for fs. Or is it curiosity? Or.....??? And then to top it off, other gentlemen give her a review with a 'no' recommendation as well....So what is the point of that negative review?

So, would it be useful and/or fun to review the guys too?

What do y'all think?? Originally Posted by Gemma34
I think it would be interesting to see how a lady views the session vs the male view. Because we all know men have a self inflated view of how they perform in the bedroom
And for the record, I have never had any negative reviews and I understand that it may be pointless for us to do reviews on a client but there are times when I feel a provider should be able to interject if she feels the need to defend herself on a review thread. Or maybe we can review the guys in the powder room for fun and to provide useful information for other ladies to use....

This is just good ole conversation
Guest012814's Avatar
I personally don't have a problem with it - in fact in some ways it could be a good thing. Guys who think they are gods gift to the world but in reality aren't anything special could be brought down to reality and the reverse is true also - shy guys with a lack of confidence could get a boost from a positive review from a provider.

Just as provider reviews give hobbyists an insight into a provider, hobbyist reviews also could give providers a chance to get an insight into how a hobbyist really is during a session (attentive, understanding, clean and fresh etc or perhaps demanding, rude, unhygenic etc etc) so providers can make informed choices.

I'm not naive - I've had providers tell me before they've asked fellow providers whom I've seen before what I'm like so they have an idea what I'm like before I meet them - not just screening, but physical attributes and performance related stuff. A review of a hobbyist would just make this process more formal and transparent.
what he said. plus, maybe y'all would have to deal with less hygiene issues and other bullshit if guys knew they were going to be reviewed.

I personally don't have a problem with it - in fact in some ways it could be a good thing. Guys who think they are gods gift to the world but in reality aren't anything special could be brought down to reality and the reverse is true also - shy guys with a lack of confidence could get a boost from a positive review from a provider.

Just as provider reviews give hobbyists an insight into a provider, hobbyist reviews also could give providers a chance to get an insight into how a hobbyist really is during a session (attentive, understanding, clean and fresh etc or perhaps demanding, rude, unhygenic etc etc) so providers can make informed choices.

I'm not naive - I've had providers tell me before they've asked fellow providers whom I've seen before what I'm like so they have an idea what I'm like before I meet them - not just screening, but physical attributes and performance related stuff. A review of a hobbyist would just make this process more formal and transparent. Originally Posted by Bcdrummer
plus this is a good way to see if you had seen someone another form of verification Ijs..
Enchanterlingum's Avatar
I don't review because I don't believe in public confessions or see the need to brag, but I wouldn't really care if someone publicly said I was ok, and didn't blow up my spot by being indiscreet. I take all possible precautions to keep my private life out of my work life, and that's really my only concern with all this. I have to be able to maintain a security clearance for my work, and cannot have ANY of the legal contact that this lifestyle can bring.

Honestly, it would help me out because I step out maybe once a year or 18 months, and generally never with the same person. I'm utterly forgettable, and nobody would remember me to be able to verify me. Being a ghost has its advantages and disadvantages, and I have to live with those.
bartipero's Avatar
New on NBC this fall, "The Good Fuck."
CaptainKaos's Avatar
The ladies are the face of fantasy... Pretty, attentive, laugh at our dumb jokes, etc...

Men, we are the face of reality... Simply put, it is what it is. There's nothing exciting about that, is there?
MisterSir's Avatar
The ladies are the face of fantasy... Pretty, attentive, laugh at our dumb jokes, etc...

Men, we are the face of reality... Simply put, it is what it is. There's nothing exciting about that, is there? Originally Posted by CaptainKaos
Agreed. We're not much to write about.

I do wish sometimes I could get some testimony about my interactions with providers. I've had more than one say I'm a "great guy". Do I rock in the bedroom, probably not. I'm not the one getting paid, am I?

However, I fear such a thing would be used to rebuke and argue a bad review. Girls whom I've contacted questioning bad reviews, or in response to my bad review (I've had all of three), has been vague denials that blame the customer in a non-specific way, or just outright excuses and lies. I definitely don't trust the "she said" side of the story.

In response to some girls getting bad reviews and still seeing lots of guys, it really depends of the reviews and how the girl reacts to them. Some reviews where obviously a bad session and can be overlooked or are too vague to be taken seriously, others are clear indications that the provider doesn't care about giving crappy service or taking the guys money anyway. Some histories reflect a provider figuring out how to consistently give good service, so many initial bad reviews followed by more and more good ones. It's much more complex than a simple "yes" or "no".
Wanna review me? Pay me and we'll talk.
In response to some girls getting bad reviews and still seeing lots of guys, it really depends of the reviews and how the girl reacts to them. Some reviews where obviously a bad session and can be overlooked or are too vague to be taken seriously, others are clear indications that the provider doesn't care about giving crappy service or taking the guys money anyway. Some histories reflect a provider figuring out how to consistently give good service, so many initial bad reviews followed by more and more good ones. It's much more complex than a simple "yes" or "no". Originally Posted by MisterSir
This does make sense, but these are things us providers don't get to see so we question. As for myself, I try to make each experience the best I can. But, even the best providers have off days too and instead of being able to explain ourselves, we are reviewed, critiqued and talked about. Which, at times, can hurt our business and reputation a little.

You make some very good points though....
Smoking Monkey's Avatar
I agree that it would be nice to review everybody...the guys and the girls would know who was good and bad....but the bottom line is that the guys are paying cash for services! The reviewers are reviewing services a restaurant or a plumber or a concert or a lawn service or etc. People want to know what kind of service that they will be getting when they put out money! I think if the providers want to know what the prospective customers will be like then they need to have a website where they can freely discuss the client's pluses and minuses. The bottom line is that money is king and guys want to know the best value for their buck!