What does being grandfathered mean to you and when its over.


What does being grandfathered mean to you, what are you expectations of this. If you see a lady twice a month, maybe three times, do you expect that good golden rate. Well I would agree with this.

Now if you see a lady every six months, or more, do you expect to be grandfathered. Even after her rate has become higher. Would you call her, show up and still bring that good golden rate you provided before. Or would bring her updated current rate.

If you brought her that good golden rate after not seeing her for six months or more. Would she be okay with that, is it awkward, how would you like her to approach you, that the rate has changed. Would you stop seeing her. Would you be offended, upset, ect.

I was faced with this rather sticky situation. I choose to accommodate the good golden rate, because I simply do not like confrontation. I was fuming on the inside, however he still got a good session as always. Afterall I am professional.

Im curious. Your thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
Lisa Lisa wowser. Hats off to you for handling the situation professionally. I think you should probably contact that hobbiest and let him know how you really feel. 6 months is too long to grandfather anybody. I think a client should qualify for grandfathered rates if he sees at least once a month. Anything less he should pay your regular rate.
Lana Warren's Avatar
A couple of years ago, I raised my half hour rate! Out of the blue, I had a guy contact me who I had not seen in almost 2yrs wanting to see me at my old rate! I politely told him that he was no longer grandfathered in at the old rate and if he wanted to see me, he would have to pay the new rate! Of course this offended him and in the "Lana" way, I told him to FO! LOL!

PS. He was a pain in the ass anyway!

My rule of thumb is.........If I have seen a gentlemen within a year and more than once, I would give him the grandfather rate!
Thanks for the responses.

I was curious. :-)

Lana did you say two years, wow! :-( . And he was offended. Double wow :-(

Thanks Thatdude. I appreciate that. :-)
and all this time I thought it was a discount for us old guys.............
rcinokc's Avatar
Perhaps a note in your ad along the lines of "If we haven't seen each other in more than XX days, your appointment will be at current pricing". If booking by phone maybe something like "Have I seen you since my rate change ?" or "Was our last appointment at my current rates ?" That would get the discussion started and get the expectations out in the open.
Surge's Avatar
  • Surge
  • 06-01-2011, 02:03 PM
and all this time I thought it was a discount for us old guys............. Originally Posted by LuckJack
Ha Ha...I was wondering when someone was going to bring that up...

Lisa Lisa wowser. Hats off to you for handling the situation professionally... Originally Posted by Thatdude

Lisa...like TD said...muchos congrats on that...

My own history has occurred only once...where i actually took a grandfathered rate...I was seeing this one provider at least once a week and sometimes two time a week for that GOLDEN Rate as you call it. Over time though she would text me and told me my new, higher rate. Over a year she actually increased my rate to her current rate. I never felt offended when she asked i just simply made it up the next visit. I will though admit, that I don't see her as much anymore, but it has less to do with the rate than other things...

  • npita
  • 06-01-2011, 02:11 PM
Senior citizens discount
simpleton's Avatar
Six months is not a really a long time. Just give him the rate and be happy he came back to see you or don't give him the rate, and charge him more. There is no reason to be "fuming" over this. Maybe he didn't realize you raised your rates. Maybe he thought he was special. Maybe his idea of being grandfathered is different than yours.
No reason to be fuming on the inside huh?, really, so if your boss cut your paycheck short, you would be okay with that. Oh.

He knew my rate changed.

It had been over six months, I just threw a number out there.

Maybe I should just be happy he came to see me....yea. Dude Im not a "please come see me every week gal" I tour.

Maybe he thought he was special. I have a few opinions on this, that I would rather keep to myself. As I said I do not like confrontation.

Anywho it was just a question.

Six months is not a really a long time. Just give him the rate and be happy he came back to see you or don't give him the rate, and charge him more. There is no reason to be "fuming" over this. Maybe he didn't realize you raised your rates. Maybe he thought he was special. Maybe his idea of being grandfathered is different than yours. Originally Posted by simpleton
Lisa Lisa on serious note you should let that hobbiest know how you truly feel. He may actually think he did nothing wrong. He may never see you again. O well I strongly believe it won;t hurt your business in any fashion.
Chevalier's Avatar
1) If her rate increases, I assume the new rate applies unless she specifically tells me "you can keep paying that old rate." It's her choice of whether and whom to grandfather, and I shouldn't make that choice for her.

2) If she does grandfather me, and then a long time goes by before I see her again (e.g., a year or two because she drops out of the business for awhile), I probably assume it expired and assume I should bring her new rate. If she really intends that the grandfathered rate continues, she'll tell me. [Had that happen recently with one lady. After I left the new rate, she emailed and told me the old rate still applies. Sometimes I remember, sometimes I don't.]

3) If she grandfathers me when her rates go up, and then her rates go up again -- I assume any rate change eliminates prior grandfathering unless she explicitly renews the special offer.

4) But if she explicitly grandfathers me, unless her rates go up again or she leaves the business for a year or two, I probably will assume it continues unless she says something to the contrary. If she wants to discontinue the special offer, that's her right but it carries with it the responsibility to communicate that decision.

5) A one-time special offer? Well, it's her responsibility to communicate what it is she's offering, but I likely assume it's not "grandfathering" unless she's pretty clear about it.

Grandfathering may be a good business practice; it can be easier to keep regulars than to find new clients. And it can be very powerful psychologically, sending the message that she really values his business more than some otther prospective clients. But it is her choice, and her responsibility to decide.
bigmarv's Avatar
In my opinion a true gentleman would not whine about a few extra $$, but would be respectful and pay the providers current rate. Only asses assume.
Guest071315's Avatar
Two years?? Geez louise!!

IF you want the grandfathered rate, just ask! Don't assume or you make an "ass" of yourself!! LOL. Insert donkey picture.

I think you acted professionally. I do have certain people who if they see me frequently, I give them a break. It is always up to us to on rates no matter what anyone's opinion is.
I have grandfathered a couple of gentlemen in the past and only in one instance did it bite me in the ass. Now, I just offer a few different kinds of specials that will pretty much work for everyone.

I like the idea of rewarding the ones who make it to see me often and usually will do so with extra time or a discount.

But it is not nice to ever assume..