Question for Providers That Travel With Hobbiest?

What are your expectations ? . Here is the scenario. I ask XOXO provider hey let's go on a trip to Hawaii. I will pay for airfare and hotel and all meals and entertainment. Am I wrong to assume that should be enough ? Let's assume we are friends (as far as hobby goes) . Scenario 2 Also Let's say if this was an ISO. Looking for a provider to travel with. With the same type of arrangement. What would be your expectation?

This is an off shoot question from a thread in ML.
Couple of things come to mind.
Prehaps plan a short trip like a weekend away before gong on a long trip. Big difference between a couple of hours together and a week :-)

As to paying.
Some women simply cannot afford to loose a weeks work. Even if they want the vacation, they may not be able to afford the time away. Some level of compensation may be needed.

It may be a vacation for you, but its a working "vacation" for her. Be sure of the level of expectations before doing anything.

If you can find a lady who you are compatiable with, would love a vacation, and can afford the time off, it might work.

Just be very carefull how you make the offer and don't be supprised if you get some unwelcome feedback :-)
Remember when she is with you she ain't working. As Tony Soprano would say "she ain't earning" and the bills still need to be paid.
I forgot to mention Hobbiest can respond too lol FTR this is not an iso just a discussion.
true_whatever's Avatar
I would think that a free, all-expense paid trip to Hawaii would be enough payment in itself. But I agree it depends on the girls' financial situation. Like others stated, some ladies need money for bills. but some of these ladies make more than enough and spend their excess money on exactly this sort of thing: vacations. So I would think some would be amenable to the offer.

I personally don't think a negative response to such an offer would be reasonable from a lady. But a polite "no thanks" because she needs to stay and earn is understandable and to be expected in some cases. How could an offer like this be insulting? Now, some may accept but ask for additional compensation, and that's a normal business transaction of working out the financial details. But I'd be surprised is a lady were actually offended by the offer.

Maybe hedge your bets? Post it in ISO or send the email out to several ladies (BCC) and openly state it in the email that you're just seeing who would be interested. That way the ones that might be offended wouldn't feel as if they were targeted with a low-ball offer.

I'll be following this thread. Interesting.
Guest071315's Avatar
For a new person, they would have to pay the travel rate plus all the expenses. My surplus money, however, is not spent on vacations and fancy stuff but on tuition so taking time off from work would put a dent in my finances and should be compensated.

However, if it's someone I have been seeing for a while, a small fee in addition to all expenses paid would be sufficient especially if it is arranged on "slower" days. Also, with advance planning, bills can be paid earlier so the stress of taking off won't be looming during the trip. But this of course, is someone I am comfortable with and it's not constant BCD.
TheWanderer's Avatar
However, if it's someone I have been seeing for a while, a small fee in addition to all expenses paid would be sufficient especially if it is arranged on "slower" days. Also, with advance planning, bills can be paid earlier so the stress of taking off won't be looming during the trip. But this of course, is someone I am comfortable with and it's not constant BCD. Originally Posted by RyansFun
I think that is pretty fair. If the trip is to an exotic location or popular vacation spot, I think the lady should consider the price of plane tickets, expensive meals and hotels rooms, plus the opportunity to visit an exotic location which might be a once in a lifetime experience. Look at the value of the experience. How often do any of us get the chance to travel, all expenses paid to a great vacation spot and do unusual things? Isn't that what we are all working for anyway? It's an opportunity to enjoy the rewards of hard work. Sitting on a beach, drink in hand...your only concern is which sunscreen to use and where we are going to eat next.
That has a lot of value.
Or you can just stay home, drive the same streets and follow the same routine as you normally do day after day after day....
Remember, life is short.
Hercules's Avatar
I've traveled with ladies. Here's my observations;
*You'll want to have at least spent a night. Need to know sleeping habits and if she'll cut your weiner off for that 3am stiffy.
*Compensate them. Because they really don't need us to vacation.
* You want a lady who's rock solid dependable in case deposits are non-refundable.
*Give her some free-time all to herself while on the road.
*The old can't always hang with the young and sometimes vice-versa (I once wore out a 24 y/o with shopping!).

I've never had a bad time while traveling with a lady. The whole sex-worker veil is dropped and you get to see a side of them rarely seen by other clients.
I think that each girl is different and that you definitely need to get that sorted out before you make assumptions that the trip and all expenses be enough. Personally I would not travel and expect travel expenses and stuff to be enough because I do leisure traveling on my own and not with hobbyists...
I've traveled with ladies. Here's my observations;
*You'll want to have at least spent a night. Need to know sleeping habits and if she'll cut your weiner off for that 3am stiffy.
*Compensate them. Because they really don't need us to vacation.
* You want a lady who's rock solid dependable in case deposits are non-refundable.
*Give her some free-time all to herself while on the road.
*The old can't always hang with the young and sometimes vice-versa (I once wore out a 24 y/o with shopping!).

I've never had a bad time while traveling with a lady. The whole sex-worker veil is dropped and you get to see a side of them rarely seen by other clients. Originally Posted by Hercules
I couldn't agree with you more.

I personally would like to know myself if we are a bit more compatible and will enjoy a longer time together. Will we have plenty of things to talk and laugh about? Do I think we will have a very memorable time even if its a location I have been dying to visit?

Now for a donation ... I do have set rates, but again if I have spent a fair amount of time with the man I may have a better "deal" in mind. Honestly lets say the location to visit is say Canada ... I may not have the greatest desire to visit, but pick say Alaska, Hawaii, Europe and there will be a whole different thought process on donation.

Length of the trip also plays a part. Some may have to hire a nanny for the time, kennel services, ranch hand (my case so my horses and other animals are taken care of). Sooooooo that expense needs to be covered some how.

Best thing to do is to have a real clear and strong communication with provider of choice so there are no mishaps.
Lana Warren's Avatar
I have my bags packed and ready to go! Even packed that grass skirt that you like!

Seriously, I would jump at the chance of an all expense paid vacation! Since I have a regular job, a donation would not be required unless the gentleman offered!
Gonzo76's Avatar
I've traveled with ladies. Here's my observations;
*You'll want to have at least spent a night. Need to know sleeping habits and if she'll cut your weiner off for that 3am stiffy.
*Compensate them. Because they really don't need us to vacation.
* You want a lady who's rock solid dependable in case deposits are non-refundable.
*Give her some free-time all to herself while on the road.
*The old can't always hang with the young and sometimes vice-versa (I once wore out a 24 y/o with shopping!).
Originally Posted by Hercules
+1 on all that.

And also the response many times depends on the provider. All the providers Ive met with have been under 30 so what I've seen from this group is some girls that the furthest travel they've done is to Houston and who would jump at the chance to go to Europe, Hawaii, etc and others who have done quite a bit of travel in their lives and would be less interested if they weren't also being compensated. I mean lets face it, up to this point its been a professional relationship so going to Hawaii with you wouldn't really be as enjoyable for her as it would if she were going with friends.

If you have met with her multiple times and think there may be a friendship there then maybe start out smaller by asking her to a concert or something you think she would enjoy and make it clear that BCD is not expected, just two friends hanging out. If she's open to it then maybe mention Hawaii to her while the two of you are out, if she turns you down on that then you'll be more clear on her stance.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Each provider's situation and financial circumstances are different. Many won't be interested just for the trip. It's not a relaxing trip for them. It's a week of no income with a guy that the may (or may not) like. Others might jump at the chance to travel "free". No harm in making the offer. But you have to likewise understand that many are sincereley not interested no matter how tempting YOU think it sounds.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I was just offered a trip to Dubai. I crap thee not. The travel was for the end of June and I declined it.

Because although I would sincerely LOVE to see such a dramatically different place, I learned that working in Dubai is REALLY frowned upon (in other words, I couldn't supplement my income there without a lot of risk) and although the guy didn't MIND if I worked while there, I decided against it.

He was going to pay for hotel, food and of course, the flight.

It was REALLY tough to say no. But it's a long trip and I would have missed over a week of work. Right now, at the beginning of summer, it just wasn't possible.

Am I kicking myself? Maybe a little. But unless a gentleman can pay some sort of weekly rate, I cannot do it. On the other hand, I've had men fly me to different cities and I've stayed and worked.

In return, we've spent an evening together. I've done that several times and it's been great. Or we've gone to shows, etc., like dating. But I've always included working in the deal.

It surely depends on the individual but I would imagine most ladies would say no unless they were getting compensated. Because in the end, you'd be wanting sex all of the time or them to serve you in some fashion, and they would probably feel that they have to be "on" all of the time.

Sorry to be so blunt. You're a sweet man. A flight to Hawaii or a ride to Tennessee or an offer along those lines is a trip that needs compensation in some form other than travel and living expenses.

Why take sand to the beach. If you know where you are going. Place an Iso there. :-)

I do not know many ladies who agree with not being paid for BCD. A vacation sounds nice though.