Provider Hoops

Alecia made a comment in another thread that she wanted to do doubles with TNTAngie just because the height would be hot. Started me to thinking, we are indeed blessed with some tall ladies, with the finals going on my wee small brain drifted to basketball. Here is my all provider basketball team, I have restricted myself to ladies I have at least met in person.

At center TNTAngie, I ain't getting in her way when she's going to the bucket

Power Forward TNT Kelly, she looks very athletic and has the height

Shooting Forward Ashely Kennington, love to see her shoot a fall away jumper like Dirk

2 guard Alecia, when she gets back in shape with that personality and attitude she would be some play maker

Shooting guard, here I was a little lost until I remembered talking to Exotic Morgan, very smart, very athletic looking.

I not sure how competitive they would be but I know I want to be in that locker room. For softball I was thinking Lana and Reese McClain but then I would be highjacking my own thread.

OK there is mine how about yours.
Nice list! Who would be your 6th woman? That spark off the bench?
Guest091314's Avatar
I would so be game for provider b-ball after I get back in shape...i do have one suggestion though..white tanks with no bras = )
Randall Creed's Avatar
How about an all-NBA list of girls who are.....NBA!!!!

Oh, I keed!!!!
JohnJohn's Avatar
I would so be game for provider b-ball after I get back in shape...i do have one suggestion though..white tanks with no bras = ) Originally Posted by alecia

Okay, now I know it...I hobbylove you
oglfp12's Avatar
Nice list! Who would be your 6th woman? That spark off the bench? Originally Posted by deuce22
How about Carissa Leggs. She looks like she can run with the best of them!
pyramider's Avatar
...i do have one suggestion though..white tanks with no bras = ) Originally Posted by alecia
With lots of jumping .....
Ok big are your boobs...when not preggers...

THESE MELONS do NOT run around in public at all without a bra. (Ok, maybe sometimes when I walk the damn dog...but no one is up then, so I don't care.)

I'd be knockin my own self out with a wildly out of control boob while running down the court! Maybe someone else while I'm at it. CAN YOU SAY PAIN and STRETCH MARKS as well?

Ya'll can go up top commando all you want...I will stare and drool (and I didn't read that my lil brown baby maker wanted to do a double with me...I'm so thrilled and flattered! Lets DO IT) at all the boobies flailing about me.

But it still wouldn't stop me from shooting from the outside and doing my own turn around jump shot...or a up and over with a power dribble to the hole.

DIRK KICKED ASS as did the rest of the MAVS....

TexTushHog's Avatar
Lets make sure you don't coach. A 2and a shooting guard are the same. We have no point guard!!!
I was sorta thinking it didn't line up right - but that's ok..

Does Alyssa Nicole hoop?

I think we could even use Ivy Chick as a fill in Center/Post.

She's got the thickness to not get knocked over when being posted up against..

And if she's doing the posting up - you better watch out. (just make sure she braids that hair up...or no one will be able to see!)
Wordsmith's Avatar
Sweet Kendall is tall she could play inside or maybe even run the point. Nothing wrong with a taller point guard.
Nothing wrong with a taller point guard. Originally Posted by Wordsmith

I quote my basketball coach from one of my many highschools (but she was the one who taught me the MOST about bball...)


YOU ARE A POST...YOU ARE A BEAN POLE....the distance between your palm and the ground is almost as high as a short point guard....


You may "power dribble" may drive the lane....BUT DO NOT, WHAT SO EVER, DRIBBLE THE DANG BALL GIRL!

So - there you have it.

Short people should be point guards because
1. They can usually run a lot faster than a super tall girl...
2. They usually have better ball handling skills over all.
3. The distance between their palm and the ground is so low - the chances of any of the five defensive players on the court getting the ball from them, goes down SIGNIFICANTLY when you decrease that distance.

I love my height - and I've learned to be more than what a "center" should be. (shooting from just about anywhere inside the 3 point line...and even some 3's when I'm hot)...but I know what my job ISN'T....and that is a Point Guard.

I think that applies to most taller people that are being told or asked to take the ball down the court. (and why would you want to take away the height advantage down in the paint or on the blocks?)
Sweet Kendall is tall she could play inside or maybe even run the point. Nothing wrong with a taller point guard. Originally Posted by Wordsmith
Kendall is VERY tall and I look like an oompa loompa in comparison...especially with this new fake tan.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Good coaching, Angie. Never allow the ball below your shoulders until the rebounding area is clear. And before that, you should be looking for the outlet pass.
Oh, another tip from my coach....

A...You've got a booty....USE IT.
Block out!!!

You can clear two girls out at one time with that hiney! Let's see it, now! BLOCK! OUT!