Alerts Section

Hercules's Avatar
Thoughts on guidelines and rules for that section?

Such as only when cash is lost, a physical altercation. LE activity..........etc?

Some of it has been entertaining reading but when I browse that section I can't help but think "cry wolf" once too often.
Alerts - Dallas Issues which could endanger the safety of a member or members of our community go here. Please reserve this space for legitimate alerts, and not general FYI material.

Fake bp girls doing bait & awitch, etc just are not alert material. Can always post in Coed or ML with that kind of stuff
Fort Worth Punk's Avatar
Alerts - Dallas Issues which could endanger the safety of a member or members of our community go here. Please reserve this space for legitimate alerts, and not general FYI material.

Fake bp girls doing bait & awitch, etc just are not alert material. Can always post in Coed or ML with that kind of stuff Originally Posted by Bubba3452

I never actually read that. Good to know. By that standard though you guys should move about 90% of the posts.

I do think it's a good idea to have a place to post the bait and switch outside of Co-ed though, and, as with the Powder Room, the Locker Room has the issue of not being visible to all who could benefit. I think co-ed is already a bit too cluttered. Plus we need to remember that bait and switch, not a real provider, etc. are why the boards started in the first place.
Thuck Fat's Avatar
Thoughts on guidelines and rules for that section? Originally Posted by Hercules
IMO, it's not really a "legitimate alert" if the readers do not have enough information to be considered forewarned about the issue. All that does is create the opportunity or temptation for derailment. Someone will eventually post something that could be offensive to the OP or another member leading to arguments and getting totally off topic. The thread should be immediately closed or temporarily closed if it's determined that information provided by the OP is insufficient. Oh and members who blatantly post false alerts with the intent to ruin another person's rep, i.e. pimp war drama, should be penalized.

Fake bp girls doing bait & awitch, etc just are not alert material. Originally Posted by Bubba3452
+1 bait & switch should also be in the form of a review. Not all of them turn out to be bad experiences.
Alerts - Dallas Issues which could endanger the safety of a member or members of our community go here. Please reserve this space for legitimate alerts, and not general FYI material.

Fake bp girls doing bait & awitch, etc just are not alert material. Can always post in Coed or ML with that kind of stuff Originally Posted by Bubba3452
Sorry fellow hobbiest to have recieved Bait and Switch but that is not an alert. Especially when you can ask for pics ahead of time, tineye, google and so on.

To add one more item and that is dash and grab. If you as the hobbiest or provider, did no research or legit screening and just arranged an appointment with some person be it from BP or anywhere else that is on you and not alert worthy. IMHO

Examples of true alerts. Provider or hobbiest recieving bodily harm. LE doing a sting.
Are we talking "physical" safety? Or "monetary" safety?

Most alerts are about ripoffs, but if I read the guideline correctly - a customer taking his money back is not a safety issue. Now if he used force, that would be an alert.

So why not simply shut down/lock all non-conforming alerts immediately instead of allowing them to continue?
LazurusLong's Avatar
Alerts - Dallas Issues which could endanger the safety of a member or members of our community go here. Please reserve this space for legitimate alerts, and not general FYI material.

Fake bp girls doing bait & awitch, etc just are not alert material. Can always post in Coed or ML with that kind of stuff Originally Posted by Bubba3452
So would it be better to have the Donice Alert thread moved to the Indy section? I mean after all, even though she IS a dear friend of Shooter6.5 and fox and, in fox's own words, "she'll upsell her little heart out" and she never uses her own photos?

+1 bait & switch should also be in the form of a review. Not all of them turn out to be bad experiences. Originally Posted by greedy
Really? So you want us to post a review when the RIGHT thing to do is walk away and not reward that behavior? When no activities take place it is not a review, it is a thread such as NCNS.
Thuck Fat's Avatar
Really? So you want us to post a review when the RIGHT thing to do is walk away and not reward that behavior? Originally Posted by LazurusLong
What I'm saying is it should be posted in the review section, not as an alert and some guys on here have NOT walked away.
Fort Worth Punk's Avatar
What I'm saying is it should be posted in the review section, not as an alert and some guys on here have NOT walked away. Originally Posted by greedy
I agree. I don't see any reason not to post a review in these cases. The point of reviews is to help guys decide who to see, and it's the first place guys will look for info on a girl. If you get there and it's not the same girl, post a review, just like you can with a NCNS. Then guys get the info they need in a place they are likely to look. In fact, it's a more valuable review than a NCNS.

But looking at Alerts I still contend about 90% of the posts appear to be in the wrong forum now that I understand the intended criteria.
TexTushHog's Avatar
I always assumed No Shows went in alerts. A thief is alert worthy to me.
NCNS provider is SUPPOSE to be a THREAD in the review section. The ladies have several forums, including PR and Co-Ed to report NCNS if they wish.