Attempt to shut eccie down?

uhaveme's Avatar
Old news. Do so searching in the forum for several threads on the topic.
TinMan's Avatar
Here is one thread that discusses the matter in some depth.
Thanks Tin Man. I hate trying to search on my phone. Hope that helps the OP.
uhaveme's Avatar
Thanks TinMan. Hadn't seen the other thread.
TinMan's Avatar
Eccie's search function doesn't make it easy to find. The question is being asked enough, and likely will for awhile, such that we will need to demonstrate some patience while folks try to catch up. I can see this being a subject that is going to create a lot of misconceptions and confusion, as is the case with many legal matters.
Sorry to the OP. My response did come across a bit more harsh than intended. Should have waited till I had more time to dig up a better answer for you.
uhaveme's Avatar
No problem at all OBSG
Randall Creed's Avatar
Well, it's all a crock of shit, if you ask me. These 'do-gooder' assclowns who think that trying to tell adults who they can and can't have sex with are hypocrites in many instances. If you're a man with money, at one time you've either engaged in P4P or have THOUGHT about doing it.

They can't catch the assholes that are fucking it up for everybody, so they gotta burn down the whole house. With chaos, life is created somewhere else.
If a state or other government authority cant tax it, they want to eliminate it all together
Perhaps Senator Van de Putte should consider the proposal in this paper from professors at NYU:

Interesting read for sure. All 40some pages.... Lol.

Our culture is strange on this for's okay to Jersey Shore your sex life every night but God forbid you pay for professional, discreet and SAFE companionship. Legalize and Scrutinize!
TinMan's Avatar
If a state or other government authority cant tax it, they want to eliminate it all together Originally Posted by midgetwrestler
Well, they could if they legalized it. Unfortunately, the stigma attached to prostitution makes it unlikely they ever will.
A quick shout-out to my man TinMan. Thank you sir for continuing to contribute the way you have done for a long time now.

The conclusions we reach, in matters like this, are only part of the contribution. It is the process of our dialogue, mine-down, and communication which holds great benefit to all of us.

Thanks again.
It's the under-age girls dabbling ( or being forced) in Providing that has the politicians attention. If somehow, someway this wasn't an issue, I doubt it would draw their attention.

P411 girls are (supposedly) age-screened as a requirement for membership. But, if you think she still looks too young, might have her whip out the ID.
Trying to drive anything underground will make it unstable and dangerous - just look at pot. I grew up in a state that pioneered recreational marijuana use and the outcome has been more positive than anyone could have imagined: better quality, increased safety, less crime and huge revenue!

One of the main reasons why marijuana was originally publicly demonized is because it's other product, hemp (a product a hundred times more durable which to took 1/4 of the space to cultivate), was targeted by the cotton industry - DuPont specifically. Lobbyists for cotton farmers created ad campaigns that focused on the "evils of THC" and how it influence 'jazz playing ni**ers, smoking marijauna who threatened to corrupt good Christian-living white people with pot and jazz'. A very successful campaign to say the least as the hemp industry was swiftly and quietly shut down. Coincidentally, prohibition was lifted around the same time.