Recommendations for a good firm massage

I’m going through it with lower back pain right now and would appreciate any advice for some pros that do a good job on the massage portion of the visit.

In the past I have visited Mia at desert springs and lotus massage, and while she is excellent, I am wanting to try someone new, at least if someone else in town exists that can do a similarly skilled rubdown

Any advices appreciated, have a nice day.
If all you want is a massage I recommend Downtown Massage on Central. Looks kind of sketchy from outside but legit. I brought along a jar of Sore No More which is a natural herbal balm available at Manzanita Co-op and she was happy to apply it along with the massage. Did 60 mins for $60:and included hot stone treatment. Nothing extra offered but next day felt much better.
Another legit place without extras is Placidity on Louisiana. Massages are top notch and they'll give it to you as hard as you need it.
For legit massage with zero extras try desert dream on Eubank. Best in town.
Dang TB, you get around, that's where I got for massage only, Desert Dream in Eubank, hot stones, good on you. Haha
I should have written my post better, i’m looking for HE on offer as well. But I will probably end up hitting these places up anyways, even in lieu of that. Hot stones sounds fun and the fact that desert dream is already recommended twice is intriguing.