Providers and fellow hobbiests.....
So how much hype is too much hype and ladies when will so much turn into what you feel is almost stalkerish behavior?
Fellas how many of you have turned away from a provider that was hyped to the point it was what you considered a turn off?
Some say all publicity is good publicity, we all know that isn't true.
I don't doubt that we've all been asked to post on a fav's review now and then. I know I have and I generally won't do it if asked. I feel that I'll give a better recommendation of a chick if I simply post when I want. How many of you fellas will " jump when asked to jump" so to speak lol. I'll be surprised at how many actually answer this one honestly. Even if you don't jump when asked how to you feel about that being the perception?
One of the issues I see with such an overwhelming amount of hype will be the possible discouragement of a reviewer to post an honest review. Not that the reviews posted already aren't honest but if someone wants to point out certain negative aspects he may never do so due to the perceived backlash from so many.
I will also say that a provider can only live up to so much, if the hype is too much she is being set up for failure. Nobody can be perfect 100 % of the time and the way some are hyped it is as if they just can do no wrong. Shit some may wanna go see her simply to prove that they / someone can have a bad time. I think that being over hyped can cause that at times as well.
Just food for thought......