HELP & Tips for YOU

I found this interesting, however some might find it helpful. Feel free to cover any other advice to others that isn't already quoted below.

1. Always observe the safe sex rules
2. Decide on your boundaries and stick to them, no matter how much money is offered or how broke you are
3. Remember being paranoid is almost as bad as the thing you are paranoid of
4. As you’ll probably be working for a third of your life, it seems a real waste of YOUR life to spend it hating what you do
5. The people who use professional sex services are the same people we meet in our own lives, including our mates
6. YOU are in charge. No one makes you a victim unless, at a certain level, you allow them to
7. The sex business is a career. Very few who start give up at 25, or “just do it for a couple of years”
8. If you don’t like the idea of this, find another lifestyle
9. It isn’t all making money (profit) as there are lots of expenses and bills to be paid
10. Beginners normally work for someone else, i.e. in saunas, brothels, drinking clubs, or for a pimp
11. Working for yourself i.e. in a flat or running your own escort agency costs money and means responsibility
12. The police are not out to get you, unless you’re really unlucky. It’s usually your own stupid behaviour that attracts attention and that’s one of the reasons for producing these guidelines
13. Rich and successful people will rarely take you on for long
14. Just because you live with someone, it doesn’t make them a pimp. There’s no difference between a whore supporting a partner and a shop girl supporting a partner
15. A lot of the people who live with or support a person who beats them or forces them into sex work, have a need for that kind of relationship, but they can always grow away from that need
16. Organised pimping is very different from living with a weak or poor partner
17. As you get older, you discover other work options, i.e. mistress, madam or maid, teacher or enabler
18. Prostitution attracts people who like to give, preferring to be financially independent and be the bread-winner. In other words, control freaks
19. If you want, you can pay tax and be part of the white economy but, for this you must be organised, get an accountant or, better still, ask the help of an accountant who is a client
20. Think of the sex business as a career, and utilise the profits you make
21. Get out of the habit of the daily take. Think of yourself as a business. Start thinking weekly or preferably, monthly
22. Try to pay yourself a weekly wage. If you employ someone, pay them weekly, and save the rest
23. Remember that if you are not paying National Insurance, there is no sick pay, no pension, so think ahead. You may get sick and you will get old
24. If you have to lie to everyone around you, you must really ask yourself why you are doing it
25. If you really hate your job or hate yourself doing it, give it up
26. Be warned, the sex business is a really tough game and prostitution is the hardest part of it. It is not for everyone
27. The fact that you can earn more money in one day that your partner can earn in one week, can seriously affect your relationship
28. If you respect your client, your client will respect you
29. If you think or treat your client as an animal, they may well behave as one
30. Misdirected sexual energy often becomes anger
31. If you piss your neighbours off, they will give you a hard time
32. Having lots of men going in and out of your premises draws attention. If that’s how you must work, choose an area where no one will notice or nobody cares
33. Remember it’s an offence for more than two person to work in a premises, so be really sensible if you’re crossing that line
34. There’s no point in doing 50 men a week, it will make you want to get out after a couple of months and spend all your money on rubbish to cheer yourself up
35. Remember: ten men a week is 520 a year. This is a reasonable average
36. Give yourself a sensible working week. If you work seven days a week, that’s all your time and you will burn out in a couple of years
37. Look nice, smell nice, dress nice and you will feel nice
38. Remember, being a slut is part of the fantasy. Start as yourself, play whatever part is wanted, then return to yourself. This will make your performance much more fun
39. It’s all right to have fun and it’s all right to enjoy yourself
40. It’s also all right to come
41. Remember, you are always in control
42. If things aren’t working out between you, or a client forgets the money, stay calm and friendly.
43. There are good and bad escort agencies. Unfortunately, it’s trial and error from what you choose. Most take one fee in hand. The going rate is about one third and for that, they should have checked out the telephone number before they give it to you. They should also expect you to call them on arriving and leaving the client. Leave the number and address of each visit at home with them, and a good friend
44. Make sure you have a friend who knows what you do and will support you. In the end, you have yourself and your own strength: trust yourself and your inner feelings, as they will always protect you. See yourself as worthy, what you do as worthy, and let this be known to your friend/s too
45. With escorting, know your boundaries and don’t drink too much
46. If you try the clubs, remember it’s often five or six nights a week and you have to drink. The sex fee sounds lucrative but it’s not every night or even every week. You’ve got to get dressed up and often pawed by drunken men till 2 or 3am in the morning, for a small hostess fee. However, if you enjoy going out and drinking, this could be for you
47. Clubs with a private membership are safer because the club has a record of the clients’ names and addresses
48. Saunas and parlours usually want a massage diploma and they don’t encourage full sex
49. Being on the street may seem the easiest way of being on the game but remember most of the hunting grounds are someone’s patch girl/boy-wise, pimp-wise, dealer-wise and police-wise
50. Whichever way you choose, you will have to pay someone, somewhere (like all work). There are a lot of organisations around to help you, if you need it.

Miss Dreams
pyramider's Avatar
Like the icky guidelines, if you expect us to read all the 50 rules there really should be some nekid photos to keep us interested.
Like the icky guidelines, if you expect us to read all the 50 rules there really should be some nekid photos to keep us interested. Originally Posted by pyramider

You forgot one,,,, have a bails bond agent ready. National company that serves every state.
Leo can arrest you ,,,,,, a pal was arrested in a massage parlor when they raided the place. He was
in the bathroom taking a leak before entering a private room. Disorderly conduct charge.
Yes I did

Good one, of course you should always have a friend, bondsman, lawyer on stand by which is pretty much covered if you read 1 - 50 and put two and two together!

Miss Dreams
Finally, someone post something informative! I can dig it! I don't need naked pics, Miss Dreams.. though they'd certainly be lovely! Lol. What are these drinking clubs you speak of?
ramblinman69's Avatar
+1 Originally Posted by bdnewt007
Where you fine this? Hooking 101 for dummies.

22. If you employ someone and pay them weekly wage and keep the rest of cash sounds like pimp.

33. Sounds like whore house.

46. Sounds like strip club.

54. 50 men a week sounds like hurt kitty.

16. Sounds like loser.

You forgot one reason some girls get into business is because they might have some sort of addiction.
...You forgot one reason some girls get into business is because they might have some sort of addiction. Originally Posted by Worldtravler
I'm glad you touched on this, Worldtravler. Sadly, addiction problems are a lot more common than what I once thought. It's shocking & disheartening.
bladtinzu's Avatar
You forgot one reason some girls get into business is because they might have some sort of addiction. Originally Posted by Worldtravler
Could that be an addiction to sex?

Must be since the rest are pretty much considered speculation and against the rules around here.
An addiction to helping ladies who are just beginning or whom maybe need it or seeking some new ideas, I was surfing and it caught my eye. Nothing like what you guys and girls are making it.

Yes this is Provider 101, I found interesting. Nothing more, nothing less.
I do apologize if I hurt anyone's feelings, I know what it feels like and that was not my intentions.

Miss Dreams
Roxy International's Avatar

42. If things aren’t working out between you, or a client forgets the money, stay calm and friendly.-NEVER HAD THAT HAPPEN and IDK HOW "friendly" I WOULD BE IF IT DID LMAO.
May just be a "SD" thing.

Lets add this…

51. REMEMBER To avoid looking foolish, one should THINK before they start rambling threads that make no since.

52. Stalking and talking about yourself in 3rd person is creepy.
christylynn's Avatar
i read all of these and im glad someone put these on here.

42. If things aren’t working out between you, or a client forgets the money, stay calm and friendly. Originally Posted by Roxy International
I'm going to try that next time just to see if they stay friendly.
I'm going to try that next time just to see if they stay friendly. Originally Posted by Worldtravler
Lol, Worldtravler. Let me know how that works out for you.