CL Fallout Intertesting article by AP

Here is an article by AP that I saw online, quite interesting reading.

I found this the most interesting part:

Getting such ads removed from other sites is the next goal, said Malika Saada Saar, executive director of the Rebecca Project for Human Rights, a group that has been involved in pressuring Craigslist to block adult services ads.
"The issue isn't going after a particular company," said, "the issue is going after XXXX being sold for sex online."

Mods I apologize in advance if this is not proper or not. Since it was a direct qoute I was not sure if I could post it. Or it is in the wrong forum

Thoughts comments on this article. and qoute I pulled.

Be Safe
perpetualdesign's Avatar
"The issue isn't going after a particular company," said, "the issue is going after XXX being sold for sex online."

Originally Posted by oenghus
Clearly bullshoot. If "selling XXXX " is found in "adult services", then "XXXX" must have been redefined to be whatever it is they want to persecute and/or prosecute. Maybe ID checks for age verification are in order, not just suppyling ID. Has anyone seen any xxxxx for sale for sex or any other purpose ? I hope not, but if so please expose it now.
CaptainKaos's Avatar
I erred on the side of caution and edited this just a tad. This is a good discussion, but let's be sure to keep it completely above board.
Thats fine Capt Kaos. Thanks for editing, I was not sure since it was a direct qoute if it was allowed or not.
I have never seen XXXX sell on CL or any other sight.

I find it funny they think they gotta spend all that money going after us and lumping us in with a certain disgusting demographic that they are talking about, when there are worse crimes and criminals to go after.
You do have to admit though, there are some pretty detailed ads on BP, Cityvibe, etc. CL had pretty detailed ads too before they started reviewing and charging for adult service ads. Some ladies haven't mastered the fine art of marketing yourself without being straight out graphic with graphic pics.

Less is more.
Longermonger's Avatar
Sometimes more is more. Just look at porn. The more graphic, the better. Try placing your ads without any pictures and see what happens. Guys are visual. We just are.

The next thing the do-gooders will try is to attack Backpage. They'll try the "selling XXXX for sex" angle and they'll comb the police records for anything they can turn into a 'Backpage Killer' story.
dirty dog's Avatar
Sometimes more is more. Just look at porn. The more graphic, the better. Try placing your ads without any pictures and see what happens. Guys are visual. We just are.

The next thing the do-gooders will try is to attack Backpage. They'll try the "selling XXXX for sex" angle and they'll comb the police records for anything they can turn into a 'Backpage Killer' story. Originally Posted by Longermonger
Bull, if your using CL as a means to stoke your masturbation fantasys yes, but you can adverstise your services and still display enough for men to guage interest without displaying how many moles you have on your ass. Sometimes you invite more trouble than necessary with your kind of thinking, if the hobby did not give LE ammunition it would be a lot harder for the "do gooders" to shut it down.
dirty dog's Avatar
when there are worse crimes and criminals to go after. Originally Posted by oenghus
Sorry but i hate this comment, either something is a crime or it isnt, dont lesson what something is just because your involved in it. Is it as bad a murder, no, but they arent not solving murders to go after this either. By saying this are you saying some crimes are better than others so its okay because its a good crime. We do what we do because we want to, if were caught we face the consequences, should it be legal, yes, but its not. Its not left up to us individually to decide whats legal or not, if it was I would shoot every stupid person I found LOL. Craigslist should have done a better job of limiting access to that catagory to adults only, or eliminate the nudity, not doing so just provides the government with a reason to shut it down, it should have censored the ads so that it was less obvious or in other words left a "grey area" to operate, it didn't. We in the community should have policed it ourselves to remove the ammo that LE is using to shut this it down. We didnt, someday so people are going to realize that the internet is not the wide west show they think it is.
KCQuestor's Avatar