A question about time?

Miss_Mya's Avatar
Hey everyone. You all have been very helpful in the past about answering my questions and helping this newby out and before I get to my question I want to say thank for all your advice it has helped me out a lot. Now on to the question.

What is the best time of day for hobbyist?

I would elaborate more on why I am asking this question but I am not sure if it is in the rules or not and I wouldn't want to get into trouble.
Redwolf's Avatar
It varies with the guy. In another thread, the client is looking for early risers. If many guys work business hours, I would think that after work or later in the evening would be pretty popular. Also, a lunch break date or a quick meeting in the afternoon seems common. Maybe some guys like a quick meet-up on the way to work. But I don't hear that a lot.

I think that you could get the most accurate info from the ladies.
LUNCH SUBSTITUTE..! And a third of the calories!
Jazzer's Avatar
quick meet-up on the way to work. Originally Posted by Redwolf
that's what I like...or right after work...or...during work...or....on the weekend...pretty much whenever I can find time is a good time!

seriously though, I do like the early morning thing..
Modda's Avatar
  • Modda
  • 09-07-2010, 08:43 AM
For me anytime of the day and importantly would like to be first client of the day..and after a fresh shower - on both sides (I like that fresh smell..)
I've actually asked a couple of providers for early morning visits because it worked better for my work schedule around my wife. It was easier for me to pass off going into work early than staying late, and especially since my office had a shower..

But yeah, it varies by the guy.