Provider Calls/Texts

JackJohnson's Avatar
I have had an issue lately, and I thought I'd get feedback, and just bring it up (I'm sure its been discussed before). I have had a couple of providers after they have my number because of a call, put me in a group text, or call me and ask if I'd like to see them when I answer, solicitation calls for funtime.

In two instances in the past two months, I have had to tell the ladies NEVER to call me again uninitiated, if I wanted to pursue hanging out, I will be happy to call.

1) it wasn't a situation where I let a message and said "call back"
2) some of the texts were quite obivously "group texts" about discounted rates and such, with one lead being, "Hey guys!"
3) in at least two cases, my contact and their return call were seperated by at least a month or so
4) I am not referring to EECIE emails and such, that's why I have an account here

Anyway, this comes under the general heading of "bad provider behavior" (yeah if you read my posts, I gripe about it a lot) but I think this kinda crosses even my gripey lines, thus the thread.

I know providers want to advertise, but in more than one case it was a girl I had never even seen, just contacted or had a scheduling problem with. Should your phone number be license to be on call, or texted randomly when someone wants to advertise?

Go Saints
christopherstcloud's Avatar
When you give a provider your phone number you do leave yourself open for that to happen.

As for whether its just plain bad behavior thats up to the hobbyist to decide.
This is extremely poor judgment on the providers side. Part of being a provider is discretion and this behavior totally lacks discretion. The ONLY excuse for any provider to do this is if a client has requested that you call him next time you are available. Otherwise unsolicited calls/texts lack a professional attitude. Providers should post their availabllity on their websites, advertise here or other boards. The majority of gentlemen who hobby have significant others, they rely and pay for a providers discretion. Shame on any lady who does this.
Anyway, this comes under the general heading of "bad provider behavior" (yeah if you read my posts, I gripe about it a lot) but I think this kinda crosses even my gripey lines, thus the thread.

I know providers want to advertise, but in more than one case it was a girl I had never even seen, just contacted or had a scheduling problem with. Should your phone number be license to be on call, or texted randomly when someone wants to advertise?

Go Saints Originally Posted by JackJohnson
Even while doing just topless massage...I think it's VERY important to be discreet. You would think that if a 'provider' was not recently prompted by the client to call/text, she would know it would be inappropriate to do so...and that she might unintentionally cause problems for him if she was to. Unacceptable.
I have gotten unsolicited texts a couple of times in the past couple of months from the same provider. I was pissed!!! In this business, discretion is a must, and she certainly did not exercise discretion. This is one provider that I will NOT see again!

There is an old saying - providers are not paid for sex, they are paid to go away after sex.

Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
it happens & not cool thats why I love cricket
KCQuestor's Avatar
Another situation where Google Voice would come in handy!
Longermonger's Avatar
Put your phone on vibrate. Problem solved.
Put your phone on vibrate. Problem solved. Originally Posted by Longermonger
Thats what I do, and use a hobby phone, not the one on your family plan.
nsafun05's Avatar
Hobby phones are the way to go. When mine is not in use, I take the battery out and it just sits until I'm ready to use it.
Muffrider's Avatar
The most crucial quality in a provider is her sense of discretion. If she doesn't get that, then she's out of touch. You can go to great lengths to minimize uninitiated contacts, but you shouldn't have to do that. If she's a professional, she knows discretion is of utmost importance.
I ALWAYS have my phone on vibrate. However, I second Muffrider's observation that I shouldn't have to worry about that.

I have worried about what questions a second "hobby" phone would raise if it were discovered.

The key element here is that ladies should NOT do that! Discretion is the name of the game. If you are not discrete, I don't want to play with you.
JRLawrence's Avatar
The most crucial quality in a provider is her sense of discretion. If she doesn't get that, then she's out of touch. You can go to great lengths to minimize uninitiated contacts, but you shouldn't have to do that. If she's a professional, she knows discretion is of utmost importance. Originally Posted by Muffrider
A fact of life: discretion is all that we pay for in the hobby. Nothing else, just discretion. If a girl doesn't understand that all she has to offer is discretion, she just doesn't understand anything at all.

Unless a guy has something really odd about him, he will find that there are countless women who would love to keep company with a normal guy; in many cases they are desperate to keep company. This means the free sex can be very expensive.

But the draw back about just taking someone out for a weekend, they want to post the guy as off limits to other women immediately. If you don't answer the phone, they keep on calling and come by his place. Just to have a little peace after the piece, we use the hobby. After my first wife died I found myself dating 7 women at the same time, all of them trying to outdo each other. Yes, I remember the song; yes, the hobby is about all of us guys trying to lighten our load, both mentally and physically.

Very few women understand discretion; it is beyond their comprehension that they can't share things with the other girls. Some of the need for referrals from other providers is just the opportunity to talk to other girls; some of it is the need for self protection - but it is more than that, just read the comments the ladies make in these discussion.

After the death of my second wife, I was much more careful about not dating a lady until I knew her. The hobby keeps things much more quiet. All that the hobby has to offer is discretion: sex is available everywhere.

Most women want to control the social area of out lives, and that means the guys. After marriage, we let them - it is easier and does bring a lot of advantages. Understand women want to claim a guy for themselves. There is nothing right or wrong with this observation, we all need human contact. But with friends, or with business we pick our associates carefully. If you can't trust a friend; they are not your friend.

But when we want to get away, relax and not have to answer a lot of questions to everyone around us we require discretion.

In Vegas, Miami, Denver, and Portland; I have run into people I know in Kansas City. I have run into people I know in the most out of the way places like the middle of Arkansas in the middle of nowhere; a small cafe with no town for miles. It is a small world.

Be safe,

This is extremely poor judgment on the providers side. Part of being a provider is discretion and this behavior totally lacks discretion. The ONLY excuse for any provider to do this is if a client has requested that you call him next time you are available. Otherwise unsolicited calls/texts lack a professional attitude. Providers should post their availabllity on their websites, advertise here or other boards. The majority of gentlemen who hobby have significant others, they rely and pay for a providers discretion. Shame on any lady who does this. Originally Posted by MissJKCFun
+1. I don't even save numbers AT ALL unless its been requested for me to do so. I frequently delete my call logs just so that I don't have to worry about mis-dials or anything of that sort. I do the same thing with emails. Often times I get asked to save their number and just text when I am back in their area, and I will often just request they send me an email and I will send them an email when I am in their area. I would hate to be the cause of someone getting into any trouble over that.

Some girls sure are brave! I would never even THINK about doing something like that.

  • rayc
  • 09-15-2010, 04:31 PM
I had a girl last summer who started texting me after we missed our appointment. I'd told her I'd be in touch when I had time and would be busy for a while. I had to tell her this once or twice more and finally simply told her "no more texts" and didn't call her, even when I was free again. Being totally single I can't say there's any real reason not to call me, but I'd still like to be the one doing to calling. Like has been said: "discretion".