"UNhappy with election result? Try Canada"

...But be prepared for the process. It's not as easy as you may think...

Is a headline in USA Today. PG 14A.

Article states that "during the heated presidential election, queries from Americans - and Canadians transplanted across the Detroit River now concerned enough to consider heading back home - have spiked 20%"

Canadian federal immigration agency claims a spike in Web traffic from American IP addresses of about 12.3% in March = 13.6 million-plus queries were from USA.

So, Sistine Chapel... Apparently, there is strong possibility of a long line at the border... You may want to consider packing a sack lunch... LOL...

Slitlikr's Avatar
Oh, Chloe baby-

Please don't discourage them!
You sure you don't want to get married yesterday?
pyramider's Avatar
Too many Canadians in Canada. Plus, its too cold.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Mexico is missing a a few million people, I suggest they go there.
But mo, liberals are racist and want to go to the great WHITE north. No way they would go to Mexico.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
...But be prepared for the process. It's not as easy as you may think...

Is a headline in USA Today. PG 14A.

Article states that "during the heated presidential election, queries from Americans - and Canadians transplanted across the Detroit River now concerned enough to consider heading back home - have spiked 20%"

Canadian federal immigration agency claims a spike in Web traffic from American IP addresses of about 12.3% in March = 13.6 million-plus queries were from USA.

So, Sistine Chapel... Apparently, there is strong possibility of a long line at the border... You may want to consider packing a sack lunch... LOL...

Originally Posted by ChloeClark

ok cool thanks. You pack my lunch for me (without spit or poison) and I'm gone. I prefer peanut butter-n- jelly over honey wheat bread stacked 3 slices high. Funions or Pork Rinds, and fruit roll-ups and gummie bears. ;-) ohh throw in a little debbie apple pie and you'll officially be a sweetie.

Canada here I come.
Oralist's Avatar
ok cool thanks. You pack my lunch for me (without spit or poison) and I'm gone. I prefer peanut butter-n- jelly over honey wheat bread stacked 3 slices high. Funions or Pork Rinds, and fruit roll-ups and gummie bears. ;-) ohh throw in a little debbie apple pie and you'll officially be a sweetie.

Canada here I come. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Be sure to pack for their summer weather by bringing your Summer Parka. And work on your Canadian accent. "The sun is abouuuut to come ouuuut, Eh".
VitaMan's Avatar
C eh N eh D eh

No worse than the accent of say, Ross Perot or Nolan Ryan

If you are an illegal immigrant, now is the time to start making your plans for the future
Does New Mexico count?
WoodieTx's Avatar
Poor, poor Canada. They'll be building their own wall after this.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Too damned cold for my chihuahuas, and outside of a leprechaun sporting goods store, not sure where to find parkas that small.

Guest123018-4's Avatar
I just don't understand how these liberals refuse to go to Mexico.
Could it be like they never left home?

Does anybody know what Miley Cyrus's handle is here on EECIE?
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I prefer Canada to Mexico because at least I know the US won't or can't shit on Canada like they can Mexico. Canada has bears and a great wildlife not to mention secluded lakes and parks that I can visit. Mexico has culture, beautiful women that like to dance and great food. It's hard to choose but I only pick Canada because I know the US can't make it a wasteland.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Don't let the door hit you in the ass. The directions are simple enough I believe you may understand them. Drive north. No need to let me know how that works out for you.
I prefer Canada to Mexico because at least I know the US won't or can't shit on Canada like they can Mexico. Canada has bears and a great wildlife not to mention secluded lakes and parks that I can visit. Mexico has culture, beautiful women that like to dance and great food. It's hard to choose but I only pick Canada because I know the US can't make it a wasteland. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
How do you know this? Picture in a national geographic magazine ?

Have you been to either? I have been to both.